WTB: Copy of MS Office 98 or Office 2001

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Joined: Dec 12 2005 - 07:34
Posts: 104
WTB: Copy of MS Office 98 or Office 2001

My precious OS 9 Mac needs an MS Office suite, but unfotunately MS no longer sells ones that work with OS 9. Jerks.

Anyway, I can't find my old copies of Office 2001 OR Office 98 but I know I'm licensed to use them.

So if nobody has a legal copy to sell me, I'll be willing to buy a burned copy, knowing that this wouldn't break the law as I originally paid for both Office 98 and Office 2001.

email me (johnak at sas.upenn.edu) or PM me if you've got a copy, we'll work out a price.