
All members are invited to blog on Applefritter. Weblogs should generally be of a technical nature and should be written in such a way as to still be readable and useful 50 years from now. Please do not embed outside media. Images and videos can be uploaded via the Media Browser. Files should either be attached to the blog post or uploaded to the file libraries.

When you post to your blog it will appear on this index and on your personal blog page. Once you've made a few posts, contact me about having a graphic added on the top of this page.

How to: DIY 40/80 column auto softswitch

Build an automatic electronic switch so you don't have to manually switch (or unplug cables) whenever going from 40 column to 80 column mode (or vice versa) with an 80-column card (Videx Videoterm etc.).


How to: DIY keyboard beeper circuit

Build a small circuit board which plugs into the Apple II motherboard to emit an electronic beep every time you press a key through its built-in piezo sounder. It also contains a switch for turning it off should you decide against it at some stage.


Steve Jobs Think Poster

Desktop wallpaper in various resolutions.



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