Another New Apple I Game (Shut the Box)

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Another New Apple I Game (Shut the Box)

Hello all,


Well I went and wrote another game. Like my first one, it's written in assembly and fits (barely!) in just 1K. Developed with an emulator--hasn't been run on real hardware yet. It's a version of "Shut the Box".


GitHub page:


Direct link to hex file:



I thought it was going to be a walk in the park when I started, but it turned out to have a few nice challenges. Got to write a line input buffer routine (based to no small degree on the one in WozMon) and then figure out a good way to parse out the contents. To determine whether the game is over or not, I wound up face-to-face with something I eventually found out is a version of the "Coin Changing" problem. All-in-all, a fun bit of coding!


 - Jeff

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Last seen: 1 hour 25 min ago
Joined: Jan 8 2021 - 05:18
Posts: 495
Hi JeffJetton!

Great game! For those who do not have SD card respected nippur72 made a sound file to download via ACI card. In my case, Windows 7 + VLC player, for a successful download the volume needs to be reduced to 85%. 





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