Apple updates product line

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Apple updates product line

Just in case you missed seeing it elsewhere:
Today Apple updated its PowerPC and Powerbook lines, as well as introduced new imaging software called Aperture.

Of special interest is the new G5, with dual dual-core processors.:O

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$3299 for the Quad G5. Wow.

$3299 for the Quad G5. Wow. Dual dual-core Opteron machiens go for quite a bit too, don't they? But, dual-core across the Power Mac line is a big step. Now they can leave the iMac as a single core and have product differentiation. Of course they might move the iMac dual core and upgrade something else to a G5. A Mini G5 this close to Intel launch doesn't sound likely, maybe an eMac single core and iMac dual. It's a good move for the line none the less. PC workstations have been headed that way for a long time.

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Those Aperture system requirements are steep!

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Aperture

Those Aperture system requirements are steep!

No kidding. Planned obsolescence at its finest!

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Planned obsolesence . . .


Thank you. I looked at that and I almost fell out of my chair. You just know that Apple will provide updates after the Intels ship. Yeah, right.

dankephoto's picture
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12" PowerBook still only XGA

Blum 3

The 15" and 17" got pixel boosts, but the one portable that really needs higher rez got left out.

dan k

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: 12" PowerBook still only XGA


The 15" and 17" got pixel boosts, but the one portable that really needs higher rez got left out.

dan k

I'm glad it did. I bought (and BDub too) a 12" PB about a month ago, and if Apple had updated the 12", I'd be pretty peeved.

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I just look at that G5 and lust for it. Quad-Processors? Wow! The last time anything had that many CPU's that was related to apple, was the NeXT Cube.

That is the first time, I have actually wanted to go broke buying a Mac

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Just wait, the intel macs wil

Just wait, the intel macs will be even better. Wink

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Re: 12" PowerBook still only XGA

I'm glad it did. I bought (and BDub too) a 12" PB about a month ago, and if Apple had updated the 12", I'd be pretty peeved.

I don't know how anyone can use a 1024x768 screen anymore and not feel like a hillbilly. A cramped hillbilly.

Seriously, Apple really needs to modernize that machine. If it wasn't for the shiney metal case it'd be a bad joke compared to the neat 13.3" widescreen similarly-sized PC laptops you can buy for $400 less. It's really a pity Hell is going to freeze over before there will be OEM versions of OS X-x86, because I've pretty thoroughly lost faith in their ability to build Good laptops. (As opposed to pretty ones. They're very good at that.)


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brighter backlight

The one and only problem I have with my 12", that I love dearly, is that I can't use it outdoors in the day with out some sort of stupid looking shield. The backlight isn't bright enough, or the contrast isn't contrasty enough...

I have a A22m thinkpad with a crappy LCD, but by God, I can see that perfectly in bright sunlight. I just don't understand. And on the last revision (before this one), it was said that they upgraded the screen, the one prior, the one I have, is supposedly the same as the one on the iBook... but I took a good look at it at the Store, and I couldn't tell the difference... it didn't seem any brighter or crisper, so I didn't sweat it.

What the heck? Are the other powerbooks useless in the sun, too?


fellow applefritter iantm has been holding out on us... with a VERY COOL HACK.
You know the lighted keyboard on the 15" and the 17"?
He retrofitted the optics from a PBG4 into an iBook. Says the same thing would work on a 12"PB. He removed the modem (no biggy for me, I have BT and a Moto v551) and piggy-backed power off the BlueTooth power cable, I think, coming from the internal usb. It has issues... like the light has one setting, no adjustment, and its always on, even during sleep, but I thought this could be overcome by putting a powerswitch counter sunk in the modem port, possibly breaking the port, but apparently, they are easy to come by and replace to get it back to original specs. OR some one with mad skills could figure out how to cut power to the internal usb port via some software setting (series of Terminal commands?).
Anyway, I'm looking forward to see the pics. Subsequently, he returned it to original specs.

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Re: 12" PowerBook still only XGA

I don't know how anyone can use a 1024x768 screen anymore and not feel like a hillbilly. A cramped hillbilly.

Hillbilly? LOL! Really?!! Acute

I'd love to use my 12" PowerBook but its screen rez is just too small for a desktop replacement, and the damn thing feels too precious to travel. It's my 12" G3 700MHz iBook which gets used when traveling, but that ol' sucker's tough as nails.

I'm seriously lusting after the new 15" PowerBook's 1440x960 display. That's the old 17" rez and a serious enlargement over my current desktop-replacement 1280x854 DVI 'Book. Hmmmm, sweet pixels . . . come to me . . .

dan k

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: 12" PowerBook still only XGA

I don't know how anyone can use a 1024x768 screen anymore and not feel like a hillbilly. A cramped hillbilly.

I can't speak for BDub (his iBook blew up around the time I got my 12" and he went and got one too), but I'm not too bothered with the screen. I used to have a 15" AlBook that belonged to my former job, so yeah, switching to the 12" was a little tough, but I don't go to sleep at night wishing I had spent the extra $400 or so on the 15". I believe in small, light laptops, and so the 12" fits my needs fine. And besides, I have a nice desktop PC with a 17" LCD, so any project that requires a lot of screen real estate usually gets done on the PC anyway.

BDub's picture
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Luckily I can speak for BDub.

Luckily I can speak for BDub.

I was hoping to stay with my iBook until the revision, and then get a 12" Powerbook, but as the Doc mentioned, the iBook has a rather scortchy mark in it now.

I got the 12" model because I prefer my computers to be small. The screen on the 12" is just fine for me, but I'll admit that I run a second monitor while I'm at my desk just so that I can have extra space.

But I'll admit, when you look at it objectively, the 12" 'pro' machine is almost the same speed as the low-end desktop. Luckily my prime concerns are running a good OS and portability. The current 12" fills both those requirements.

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Oh, in regards to the low res

Oh, in regards to the low res, I should also mention, in addition to a spare monitor when I'm at my desk, I'm an avid user of Desktop Manager (, and when I hit my expose 'show all' hotcorner with anyone watching, they usually use the word 'insane' at the amount of windows I keep open.

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