I'm looking for an adaptor to be able to use 10BaseT ethernet with my powerbook 145. Apparently what I need is a SCSI-ethernet adaptor but google and ebay searches haven't yeilded results. Does anybody here know of whereI can get or make one?
You can usaully find them on on ebay. the most common is the asante brand. i have one myself i got off ebay a while ago. i might be persuaded to sell mine for a good offer or trade offer
My memory is failing, does the 145 have serial ports? If it has serial ports, you can use a simple serial cable (Mac Printer cable) with some software like IPNetRouter, if it's Internet connectivity that you seek. Keep in mind, networking the serial port (Localtalk) is quite slow compared to Ethernet, but the 145 is no speed demon either.
Thanks, I'll keep my eye open on ebay..
and Vantage point: yes the pbook 145 does have serial but the reason i'm looking for it is so I can network it to a blue and white without serial...
Then you might want to consider an Ethernet to Localtalk bridge. You have two options: SCSI -to- Ethernet and Serial (Localtalk) -to- Ethernet.
IIRC Dayna and Cabletron made SCSI Ethernet adapters too. Intel aquired Danya, so the old model and spec info is available there.