Apple IIe Internet email ...

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6502enhanced's picture
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Apple IIe Internet email ...

My Apple IIe Smile









call google:





astro_rob's picture
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Living The Dream!

Great job! This is what it is all about, my friends!

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Awesome! But. . .


That's really neat. But. . . . what service do you dial into to get text only email service? Is someone still running Proterm networks? I forgot to look for that.

Also, if I remember correctly, ProTerm can only operate a modem as fast as 19,200 baud. Is it really running at 56k, or is that just for show?

BTW I PM'd you about the FDHD.


Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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You don't need dial up. I hav

You don't need dial up. I have the Uther card which gives TCP/IP ethernet to your Apple IIplus/IIe, or IIgs. Contiki gives you a text based browser. Works pretty good too. It can even auto DHCP!


Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Modem Speed

Here's my guess on this:

I remember reading somewhere that a Mac Plus won't take anything faster than 19,200 baud as well. I used to use a 28.8 on my Plus back in the day, but it could only go as fast as 19,200. It could be the 56K on the IIe is doing the same thing.

That's pretty sweet getting all that on a computer first made in 1983! Name ANY 1983 DOS box that can do that!

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Modem Speed

That's pretty sweet getting all that on a computer first made in 1983! Name ANY 1983 DOS box that can do that!

Uhm, the
IBM 5150
? Or does it only count if yours was made in 1983, not 1981?

There's a *lot* of internet software for DOS, so that's probably a bad comparison to make. I used to get online with my Toshiba T1100+ laptop (A dual floppy XT compatible) via PPP through its 1200 bps modem (yes, ouch.) back in the stone age.


Tom Owad's picture
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Re: Modem Speed

That's pretty sweet getting all that on a computer first made in 1983! Name ANY 1983 DOS box that can do that!

ProTerm is just a terminal emulator, so the vast majority of computers can do that.

I've browsed the web on a TRS-80 Model 100, in fact.

astro_rob's picture
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Is that a Seiko Datagraph in those pictures as well?

Jon's picture
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Stone age? I guess starting

Stone age? I guess starting off with a 2400 modem on my single floppy 1MB Amiga 500 would make me from the Bronze Age? Wink

And, yes, I did dial in to a UNIX shell account and used a special program to run an IP connection that ran through the text dial up. This was a PPP alternative, as PPP wasn't quite developed yet, and SLIP wasn't great for dialup, IIRC. I don't remember, but it did work. I still remember browsing the web in text mode, and downloading my first image. It needed an external viewer, but I got to see a pic of a tyrannosaur that came from "somewhere" out in the internet ether. Previously it had been BBS only. Man,

coius's picture
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Re: Modem Speed

I've browsed the web on a TRS-80 Model 100, in fact.

Speaking of which, i just aqcuired one today. Got any idea on how I can go about doing that? I got the 24KB Ram one. Plus tape and Micro controllers (just for fun) It has the modem, but how would I program it?

Tom Owad's picture
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Re: Modem Speed

I've browsed the web on a TRS-80 Model 100, in fact.

Speaking of which, i just aqcuired one today. Got any idea on how I can go about doing that? I got the 24KB Ram one. Plus tape and Micro controllers (just for fun) It has the modem, but how would I program it?

See my Retrocomputing column in Volume 2 of Make or visit the Club 100 website.

astro_rob's picture
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Model T's

Being a Model T owner m'self (Tandy Model 102... look, see, it's there in my signature), you might want to peruse Club 100. These are wonderfully tough computers; God knows I love mine. Been using one since 1990, bought this one in 1997. There are plenty of resources there. Just noticed; his links are gone. Hmmm. Being as he sells and refurbs these things, we may be looking at a marketing decision there. Here is a link to a page featuring pinouts for our beloved Model T's. Oh, and here (the parent directory of the previous link, by the way) is another good page.
Hope that helps!

(EDIT) Had a bunch of typos and bad links. That fixed it.

6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hallo,excuse the defectiv


excuse the defective description ... I am German and need a bit of time Smile

1. Yes, on the first pic you can see my Seiko Datagraph - great powerfull thing - I love it !

2. My Internet-onnection works as follows:

- I use ProTerm with my SSC (19200) to reach the Lynx based system of the University of Washington via my modem (I use this 56k modem because I had no other and it works fine - was no "speed-decision, because the SSC reaches only 19200 ... )

- there I use Pine for my emails and get via the "lynx" order into the internet Smile

- the speed of the connection is really high enough because it is all only text based ...

here is a pic of pine:


I had also different other modem software but when I started to search for a BBS board which is still effective I first searched the net for telephonenumbers that are still in use ... then I tried to reach that number with my modem ... by that the result was, that only ProTerm was working without problems - especially while the first touch to the side ... Smile



Does anyone know the telephonenumber of a2central (syndicom) - you can telnet to them - so you should also be able to phone to them !?!

6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Re: You don't need dial up. I hav

You don't need dial up. I have the Uther card which gives TCP/IP ethernet to your Apple IIplus/IIe, or IIgs. Contiki gives you a text based browser. Works pretty good too. It can even auto DHCP!


Do you have some pictures ? Can you explain that a bit - sounds really interesting, but I can not imagine that clear how it works ...

Thanks a lot !

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Uther card compatibility, driver

I know that the Uther card can be plugged into a II+ or IIe, but I thought that there is only a firmware driver/support for the IIGS. Can you confirm this either way?


woogie's picture
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This project is outstanding! I inquired a long while
back (on the old Applefritter Forum) about using an
Apple II based computer to get onto the Internet to
do E-Mails and such. Not much feedback. Now someone
has actually done it and it's not that difficult!
Great! Let's keep this thread going and get some more
feedback on this. Just goes to show that old Apples
don't die!

How about some specifics on the hardware? What about
that 3 1/2" drive? What card did you use for the
modem hookup?

littlejohn's picture
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firmware driver/support

The Uthernet card comes with drivers for the Apple IIe. I have been 'surfing the web' with my Apple IIe Platinum for almost a year now. It really is a different world. Pop ups, Ha... Viruses, Ha... B.S. Dialers, HaHaHa. No graphics, but if raw information is what you are looking for then this is the way to do it.

6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Re: Wow!

This project is outstanding! I inquired a long while
back (on the old Applefritter Forum) about using an
Apple II based computer to get onto the Internet to
do E-Mails and such. Not much feedback. Now someone
has actually done it and it's not that difficult!
Great! Let's keep this thread going and get some more
feedback on this. Just goes to show that old Apples
don't die!

How about some specifics on the hardware? What about
that 3 1/2" drive? What card did you use for the
modem hookup?


thanks a lot !

3 Years ago I started to try to connect my Apple IIe with my PC via Adt to send Disk Images ...



While doing that I recognized that I where able to connect both with "HyperTerminal" and ProTerm ... Smile

... and with the internet ... Smile


Here you can see my cards ... I will post better pics ...

7.: 5 1/2 * 2 Drive

6.: CFFA with 128 MB CF Card

5. 3,5 Disk Controller Card from 1991

4. Mouse Card

3. empty - no place (64k)

2. SuperSerialCard

1. Parrallel Interface for Printer


More detailed pics will follow ...


6502enhanced's picture
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Surfing with the Apple IIe Smile




6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hallo, say littlejohn, wha


say littlejohn, what phone number do you call to reach the net ?

Would be great if we could collect in this thread different numbers of still working bbs/boards from where we can surfe the net and email!

Thanks and greetings,


6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Details about the internet co

Details about the internet connection:


SuperSerialCard in Slot 2


two adapter; null modem cable; adapter (not on the pics - just to connect null-modem-cable with the); modem-cable



Browser: Lynx
Software: ProTERM


the 3.5 Disk Controller Card:



littlejohn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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No Numbers

I don't use dialup, I have DSL. I use a Ethernet 10/100 network hub for my Apple II and my PC.

Jon's picture
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telnet != european telenet ;)

telnet != european telenet Wink telnet is a normal internet service that is to run over TCP/IP.

6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Ahh - I think I know what you

Ahh - I think I know what you mean ...

this card ?

So you put directly the DSL Cable inside the card ???

You use the contiki software ???

Can you post some pictures of the connection - would be great !

Thanks !

littlejohn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Yes to both questions. I will

Yes to both questions. I will try to borrow a camera this weekend and take some pics.

6502enhanced's picture
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Fine ! I am looking forward !

... here are some pic's of my WorldWideMobileAppleIIeInternet Smile

... connected my mobile to the SuperSerial as a modem and now world wide mobile Apple II internetsurfing is possible Smile




6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hallo, just found this ver


just found this very interesting discription about Apple II internet:


6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hallo, now I have done the


now I have done the connection also with "Kermit" !

You can download it at - I am still lerning to handle this program, but so afr it works good.

It is not so perfect like ProTerm - but free !


pmjett's picture
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thanks for nudging me along

6502enhanced and others,
Thanks for starting a thread along these lines. It has given me a boost to finish getting my IIgs on the net (lacking the ethernet card), and a desire to get my IIe there as well. I hadn't been looking Apple II hardware in a year or so, and at the time (to my knowledge) the LanceGS was the only NIC around- and I could never seem to manage the price. I'm glad to see the Uthernet card.

I'll surf Applefritter from my IIgs and IIe yet! Thanks y'all.


6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hi Mike, thanks ! I am hap

Hi Mike,

thanks ! I am happy to hear about more Apple II surfing around ... !!!

Apple II forever !!!

Here are some pic's of my text programm:


I can print with this program "Times Roman" with my HP DeskJet !





6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Anderson Jacobson, INC. A 211 is working !

Hallo, after a lot of work at this coupler - I had to change 5 electronic parts - he is working again after 20 years of hanging around nothing to do Smile

Anderson Jacobson, INC.

Modell: A 211 - G 3

300 Baud

Made in USA 1984

Here you can see him on a pic with the connected mobile - working generations Smile


Inside the AndersonJacobson ... still having all old parts ...



Both lights are working ... the coupler gets data - the new parts have done it Smile


I am thinking about organizing a pool of numbers - so we can reach other Apple II stores, firends ... - and all with these old couplers.

I know it is not fast but - what an amazing atmosphere !!! Smile

What are you thinking about ... ?

Happy Greetings

6502enhanced's picture
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Here I found a dial-up servic

Here I found a dial-up service that provides "lynx www." ...

They offer a lot of different dial-up places for the USA and Canada.


6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hurra ! My DSL Card ist da !

Here is my DSL Card - thanks a lot for the hint !




The free Software Contiki:



here you can get the card:

Greetings from Germany !

6502enhanced's picture
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My enhanced kid and the Super

My enhanced kid and the Super Drive have reached me Smile

here are the first pic`s of the "enhancing" ...




I bought it all from Henry ... very good service ! Thanks again !


Last seen: 9 months 6 days ago
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cool, looks good!

cool, looks good!

6502enhanced's picture
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and here are the pic`s of my

and here are the pic`s of my wounderful new SuperDrive from 1991 for my Apple IIe Smile





also bought from


Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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What does the label on the dr

What does the label on the drive say? I've got a very similar drive, but I'm pretty sure it's an 800k. I could be wrong... Were all the drives in a similar style in various capacities? I've got another Apple drive that doesn't have the eject buttton, so I'm pretty sure that one is a Mac drive, and may be an 800k as well.

6502enhanced's picture
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Hallo Jon, I will take a p

Hallo Jon,

I will take a photo in the next days and post it ...


6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hi Jon, so far I do have n

Hi Jon,

so far I do have not a photo - but:

On my old Drive is written

"3,5 Disk Drive"

and on the new

"Apple Super Drive"


Jon's picture
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Does your old drive look simi

Does your old drive look similar to the new one? Mine does say "3.5 drive" on it, and it has a passthrough port to chain another drive onto it, so I know it's an A2 drive. My Mac drive says "800k drive" and it has no eject button, and a smaller case.

6502enhanced's picture
Last seen: 20 hours 29 min ago
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Hi Jon, yes, both look equ

Hi Jon,

yes, both look equal.

But they format the disks in a different way ...

old: 800

new: 1.4

You can see the front of the old one at the beginning of this thread ...

Here is the pic of both drives:


Greetings from Germany !

Jon's picture
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Thanks, that's just the kind

Thanks, that's just the kind of picture I wa hoping for. At least know I know to keep checking the similar looking drives for an actual SuperDrive label, asht ehy aren't visually different just from the case. IU wish I had paid attention to this more about 4 years ago, as I might have found several super drives in a huge load of //gs stuff that came though Surplus Exchange. ;(

6502enhanced's picture
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With the SuperDrive and Cider

With the SuperDrive and CiderPress now I am able to put a 3.5 Disk into the PC - put data on - and the Apple II can read it !


Here a screenshot of CiderPress


Here you can get CiderPress

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Here's a similar project but

Here's a similar project but is focused on updating rather than using old hardware to use new protocols:

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Based on ADT ... ADTPro ht

Based on ADT ... ADTPro


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A virtual diskette ... http:/

A virtual diskette ... - very nice thing!

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