heat wave

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iamdigitalman's picture
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heat wave

well, i'm curious: how is the US heat wave affecting you? I live in detroit, and on Monday we hit 95 with a heat index of 110. it's 2 am, and my thermometer still reads 101.9 indoors. I never thought I could sweat sitting still, but here I am. we dont have AC at our house, so we have approx. 2 dozen fans blasting on high throughout the house, and it really doesnt help, thier just moving the hot air.

the worst part: tommarow is gonna get even hotter, up to 100 in Detroit, heat index to 115.

last week, when I was on vacation, I went up to just north of Alger, Michigan, about 150 miles north of here, and it didnt get hotter than 88. really nice. wonder exactly how it is up there now?...

oh and get this: the local power copany is actually offering discounts on your power bill in exchange for your participation in a voluntary blackout. that, and all the local librarys and anything with AC have become cooling centers.

oh, and the heat is actullay beginning to effect my electronics. most are raited to 160F, but even them are starting to overheat and malfunction. my cell phone actuallty crashed and powered off, and the damn thing had a full battery at the time.

so, how about you? does it feel like 1988 all over again? (read: there was a heat wave about the same time in 1988, atleast in Detroit. and yes, I was born that year, in August, in the middle of the heat wave.)

-digital Wink

moosemanmoo's picture
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I was actually at the Detroit

I was actually at the Detroit zoo for two and a half hours on Saturday, and it was definitely nice to get into the polar bear exhibit. I actually thought that Port Huron felt hotter than Detroit. That is the humidity, I think. It was about the same as an average summer day in Virginia, which is the sun beating down on you with the humidity hovering around the saturation point.
I hear that the weather in Florida is similar, except that it's much hotter. Have I mentioned that I am anxious to move to Vancouver? I trust that the weather is sane (mild and rainy).

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Pushing 100 degrees in Chicago again on Tuesday with rain forecast for Tuesday night. That usually spells trouble when a storm front follows weather this hot. Only in the 80's for the rest of the week. I can tolerate that.

I work downtown. Went for a walk along the lakefront on Monday morning. The humidity coupled with the temperature made it unbearable. I was drenched in sweat, just dripping from every pore.

tony b.

iamdigitalman's picture
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well, I was looking at the we

well, I was looking at the weather forecast. can you believe it can get to 82F at 5 in the morning? luckily, we are gonna get some relief. as soon as that storm front passes, we'll get down to 79 for a high on friday, and level out at low to mid 80s for next weekend.

crap. they just said were gonna break a record. 97 from 1988 will be shattered by 99 today, and it could get 100!! actuall temperature, not the heat index. purly torture.

-digital Wink

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It's fairly cold down here (Australia) we are in winter and the day's are still cold but it's beginning to warm up again. Smile

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Sultry SD, cooling advice

San Diego, which is usually not anywhere near this humid or hot at this time of year has been really suffering. Fortunately the heat broke a day or two ago, if not the humidity.

For those suffering, go to where there is AirConditioning as mentioned earlier. Movie theaters, libraries, indoor shopping malls.

Also, there is an old trick of turning a fan into an evaporative cooler, put a bowl of ice water in front of it.

Please consider looking in on older or infirmed neighbors who have trouble doing things for themselves, as these are people who DIE during these events. Offer them a hand if you can.

Good luck, Mutant_Pie

iantm's picture
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Out here in Pittsburgh, it hit the high 90's yesterday, and is expected to break 100 today. With the heat comes monster mugginess. At my work, the big issue has been massive amounts of condensation from the a/c system. The condensation has been building up in insane amounts, disintegrating ceiling tiles and finding it's way down. We've got a few flooded rooms in the school building from the condensation, in my office, I've removed a few tiles as a precautionary measure and set up buckets.

The heat is pretty awful. It's the worst I've seen this side of the mason dixon. The humidity is impacting my joints (my legs are back to sounding like rice crispies - snap crackle pop). This is the worst I've seen since living in Florida. It's also part of why I moved here (it's only horribly hot part of the year).

Best of luck to all affected.

coius's picture
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104 with 77% humidity. REALLY bad to go outside in. If you didn't sweat, you still came in wet (from the humidity) Here in omaha, we get Really HOT summers and really *cold* winters. I would move, but i don't feel like starting over in school (non of my credits will transfer from my current school to another)

astro_rob's picture
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Warm, Sunny Florida

North Florida is not nearly as bad as Hinesville and Savannah, Georgia, around 100 miles to our north. Our current temp is 88°F with a heat index of 97°F. Savannah is currently 91°F with a heat index of 100°F. West Palm Beach (where I might be moving in the next month or so) is 90F°, heat index of 99F°. At least in south Florida, they have a sea breeze. The breeze in north Florida terminates near the St. John's River lagoon system, 20 miles in land. Inland is almost unbearable.
Gonna be a hot time in the ol' town tonight...

Dr. Webster's picture
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It was 101 with humidity in t

It was 101 with humidity in the high 70s yesterday here in Minneapolis, but some storms are rolling through here now and it's a comfortable 77.

eeun's picture
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91 currently, with a high of

91 currently, with a high of 97 expected where I am in Ontario. 97 expected, and the humidex is now 115.
95 expected for tomorrow, and a bit of a break after that.

I'm not keen on heat, and generally don't like it when it gets above 70. If I can't be comfortable outside in long sleeves, it's too hot... so you can imagine just how chipper I am about the current temps.

macg4's picture
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its been over 90 here with a

its been over 90 here with a heat index of over 100 here in iowa

pmjett's picture
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uggh. Raleigh, NC pushing 100

you'd think I'd be used to August sneaking up on 100 degrees, being born and raised here, but it is still unpleasant. I'm supposed to be working outside and in a greenhouse, but have managed to stay in the office and lab mostly (thankfully).

I've stopped leaving all my machines running, if just to slow the heat load to the AC system down. It's running enough as is.

When is October again?? Wink

Reverend Darkness's picture
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D/FW area... 100 / 80

This is typical August weather for us here in North Texas. As a matter of fact, it's cooled down quite nicely to an even 100. Now I only have to drink 2 gallons of water when I mow my lawn.

I had a customer ask why I sent my Texas weather to him in Chicago. I told him that I didn't send my Texas heat, I'm still holding on to it, and I'd rather not switch, thank you very much.

Seriously, though... The heat's tolerable. The humidity's tolerable. It's the drought and high winds that are causing problems, now...

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Kittery Maine

The past week has been really humid, yesterday we hit atleast 100 inland. the beach was nice though. i went to a friends house till like 9 and it was still 90 outside in the dark. i must drink more water then i did yesterday because i have a killer headache. the heat doesnt bother me itself, its feeling icky and getting headaches from it. as a mechanic in a garage with no ac, the sweat was dripping off me for the first time ever that i can remember yesterday. i heard its suppoesd to stay with us for a while too....... Beee

Jon's picture
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We're sharing a lot of the sa

We're sharing a lot of the same heat Coius does. We've had 7 days of 100+ heat since July 17th. Yesterday it hit 102. All you people who have records of less than 100 feel lucky. A few years ago there was another memorable heat wave. There's nothing like feeling the heat radiate from your eyeballs. Seriously. It totally sucks when you get that hot.

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This is the most confortable

This is the most confortable summer I can remember.

It really reminds me of that July I was in Las Vegas 8 years ago. It was hot, but dry enough that the heat did not really bother me. I am still convinced that North Texas is turning into a dessert. Every year it seams like we get less and less rain.

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: This is the most confortable

I am still convinced that North Texas is turning into a dessert....

I sure hope it's strawberry cheesecake!

madmax_2069's picture
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yea the past few day's here i

yea the past few day's here in ohio was hot mid to high 90's with a index of 103-107 with high himidity.

now today since that storm front moved threw it cooled way down and i enjoyed every minute of it

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It's been terrible here in NJ

It's been terrible here in NJ as well, the heat just broke last night with the rain. This past weekend I had gone to ozzfest, it was about 95 out all day, and the vendors ran out of water before the last set.

iamdigitalman's picture
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same hear.

heat wave is gone, but for some reason, temps in my house arehovering between 91-93F. it's cooler, and sort of cozy, but I cant figure it out. why is my house so hot? even the landlord doesnt know (or doesnt care). I asked him yesterday when he came to pick up the rent. not oddly enough, he didnt even walk inside.

-digital Wink

coius's picture
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we got lucky recently

My dad's ceiling fell in his bedroom, so we are doing a tear-out of the room (gonna put in a new ceiling, and some walls as well as some insulation) and today and yesterday was really nice out. We have been able to haul the debris in half the heat that it was about 5 days ago. It has been breezy and cool, so we have been graced to be able to do the work in this temp.

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Last month or so has been 110

Last month or so has been 110-116 here in central california. Finally cooled off to the high 90's this week, feels great.

davintosh's picture
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Here in The Land Of Extremes...

... -- South Dakota -- it's been much the same as what you're getting in Detroit. Last weekend we topped 100 two (or three?) days in a row. Muggy as all get-out too. We finally got some relief about mid-week, with a good rain and temps in the 80's. Got another good rain last night, almost 2-very-badly-needed-inches, but today it's over 90 and quite muggy with the moisture from last night.

I talked with my sister-in-law the other night; in the Fresno, CA area it's not unusual for them to top 110 this time of year, and they've had lots of days like that this summer. She says that even with AC in houses and businesses, the temp inside usually doesn't get lower than 85, as it's just too expensive to keep it any cooler. Man, I doubt I could get much done in conditions like that! I love my AC.

The great(?) thing about where I live -- smack dab in the middle of the upper Midwest -- we get the heat & humidity in the summer, then temps that dip down below zero for weeks on end in the winter. Gotta love it though; it keeps the riff-raff away!

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Wow that's funny, I'm about 3

Wow that's funny, I'm about 30 min. out of fresno. Yea it gets pretty hot here. Gotta have ac, the pool feels like a bath.

martakz's picture
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OT: Anyone know of a firefox

OT: Anyone know of a firefox plugin that automatically converts fahrenheit into centigrade?

moosemanmoo's picture
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You can type '80 fahrenheit t

You can type '80 fahrenheit to celsius' into Google and it will convert it for you. The conversion widget will do it, too.

davintosh's picture
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Ahhh! Paradise!

Saturday was hot and muggy here, but a cool front rolled through early Sunday morning, dried the air out considerably, brought a nice northwesterly breeze, and kept the Sunday afternoon temp in the low '80's. Sunny all day; just gorgeous!

That's what the weather in paradise will be like.


The Google converter thing is pretty cool. Try plugging math equations into it. Instructions here.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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It was....

It was a bit of a drag... seeing as my car doesnt have have working A/C

I also shut my G4 tower down and just used my PowerBook, as it pumps less heat into the air. So the house A/C was better able to cool my computer room.

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