I have seen a lot of posts where folks mention going back to school (not necessarily college) and some where folks mention the wife and kids, and some where folks mention cars and houses and jobs.
I was curious as to the average age of the average "Fritter Critter".
If you feel fine in sharing, that is great, if you are concerned about folks knowing to much about you and opt out, that is fine too.
I am 30 next month.
turned 25 in july...wife, 2 kids, 2 dogs and a parrot
I turned 18 in June, and am still in high school. I've been a mac hacker since 5th grade when I got my first mac; a Quadra 630.
Just turned 28
16 ... 17 in january
i'll be 19 in two weeks, freshman in college
Well, I'm 19. In about 3 months I'll be 20 though.
Married to a hottie, the Sunshine Angel
2 dogs - 1 male, 1 female(litter mates, fixed)
4 cats - 3 female, 1 male (all fixed, indoor cats)
2 rats - males
I'm 18. I was fifteen when I first started doing stuff for Applefritter. Going into University on Wednesday.
No wife, no kids, one girlfriend.
The numbers seem about right for my age.
Could someone over the age of 35 or under the age of 14 please post?
I turned 27 on Sept. 3rd. Happy Birthday Dr. Bob too!
No hubby, no kids, no dogs... living with my barely 23 yr old bf. heh
Have had Apples since an Apple IIC... been modding them since '95 or '96
I'll be celebrating my 29th birthday later this month.
(the 14th anniversary of my 29th birthday, that is!)
I've been married since 1986, have a 16 year old daughter, and three sons; 14, 10, and 5. Love 'em all — they're the best blessings yet.
I'm fifteen, sixteen in november.
Whoa, my uncle uses that phrase all the time!
Okay! Thirty-seven. There.;)
Married, house, daughter, two dogs, two cars, many computers.
Computer owner since 1982.
I suspect that "I'm" somewhere around 2 billion years old, give or take an aeon or two.
(Two billion years being roughly the origin of eukaryotic cells. Since we really are nothing more then large cultures of highly specialized eukaryotes, it's arguably fair to date one's age relative to the origin of the culture.)
Remember, you only *really* die if you don't reproduce. (Only the large lump of culture we call "you" dies.)
Lovely thought, really.
If memory serves correct I should be 22 next month.
In my live I've met some people the I'll think that would be counted more not to the eukaryotic but to the prokaryotic cells more likely....
But however - I became 16 3 moths ago.
Its something I say when young women ask how old I am... but, come to think of it, all my birthdays were in March. I look much too young, still carded for smokes and R movies.
I am 33.
Overheard at a frat party:
"So... what year are you? 8th grade? Huh. Me too."
Im 14. 15 in january.
I turned 16 in may
What?! Noooo way! Jt, I would have thought you would have been some young wipper-snapper with all of the mods that you do! Who woulda known!
As for me, I'm sweet 16. One volvo, one cat.
I am not 33, but I did get ID'ed for buying a CD yesterday
I hate looking as young as I do, wish I looked about 10 years older then I look now.
EDIT: fixed typo
In the end, I am sure you will have your wish granted (but by then you will want the opposite).
I have an '83 240 wagon, banana. Just won't quit, but my other Volvo is a Ferrari.
It's a Silver '84 242ti 4-speed w/ OD 150,000mi, sleeper, zoom. And 3 cats.
...since I turn 65 in three months. Just got my Medicare card in the mail, too, to prove it!:D
Im 13... turning 14 in 10 days or so.
however I have been building PeeCee's since i was 4. My dad taught me how to build one. Does anyone remember when the drive cables did not have tabs to put the cable on right? I wondered why my 5.25" drive kept on running. I started putting macs together at the age of 8 when i bought a box full on half broken perfoma 4xx products (boards, drives cases.) from a store that fixed macs, and built a performa 450 in a custom made case (ok, ok : a cardboard box!) anyway, the only thing that did not work was the audio in/out jacks. the internal speaker worked though. However, i had to part with it in 1997 when I got a powermac 7200.
wow where'd you find a 242Ti with such low mileage? I had an 84 242T for awhile but gave up hopes of a restoration and got a 92 244, turbo swap someday maybe
Oh, I'm 26.
...can lay claim to that line. I heard it first from Ronald Reagan.
25, married w/ a yearling girl. 2 dogs (rhodesian ridgeback and APBT crosses), two vehicles (truck and minivan), a cheap house we bought for a song, and way, WAY too many computers. Heck, I brought three more home today.
I don't worry too much about identities online. I've been "online" since Jan. of '94. A decades worth of being around and I learned that it really doesn't matter all that much. Unless you attract a stalker, that is. :o :coolmac:
I'm 18, going on 19 in Early October.
One girlfriend. No kids. Enjoying the "academic lifestyle"
The Czar
I'm 37. Just old enough to remember the birth of personal computers and video games and i am very glad about that.
I remember going to the library and finding the orginal (this was around 1978-1979 or so) Popular Electronics with the prototype Altair on the cover. That was after my love affair with electronics had already begun and I was curious about the first personal computers at the age of 11 or so. The jr high school i went to had 3 teletypes with paper tape readers and a 110 baud acoustic coupler modem that connected to the pdp-8 at the highschool. Thats where I cut my teeth on computers.
I look at my 16 year old boy and look at the equiptment in his room and just marvel at what he has compared to what I had at 16 (an atari 1200xl with 64kb of memory and a single 1050 floppy drive. At 12 or 13, i got my first pc which was the atari 400 with a 410 cassette recorder).
I'm at that age where I realize that I am getting older and that chances are, i passed the halfway mark of my life expectancy. I hate thinking about that but I dwell on it at times.
I'm 18. Birthday in late December.
1 Real Ex Girlfriend.
1 Severely Broken Heart.
If not for losing so much weight lately, I'm sure people would continue to mistake me for someone 5-10 years older.
17 since march. One dog. 77' Datsun 280Z and an 87' Buick Century Custom.
DANG! I thought I was the "old guy"
around here! I'm ONLY 54! Retired, got 3
grandkids, been married twice (once in 1971,
then again in 1986) Second time was/is a
charm! I remember the birth of the personal
computer. Heck, I remember when computers
were almost as big as a piece of furniture!
(Anyone ever see (let alone use) an IBM 360?)
I learned how to write FORTRAN and COBOL
programs on that one back when I was taking
Computer Science in college in 1968! The
Apple was still not even a thought yet! Now
everything I learned in school is contained
in a single IC chip! Progress!
Remember REAL rock 'n' roll? 1966 Mustangs?
Huge honkin' V8 motors in cars? Triumph
Motorcycles? Jefferson AIRPLANE? The Summer
of Love? Woodstock? You younger people don't
know what you missed! Fascinating times!
I'm currently 16, 17 on the 2nd of November. I'm kind of massive(6'5, maybe a little more...) and I kind of look at least 18 going by what people tell me... and I've only been asked for ID once while buying alcohol... never had problems buying smokes(the guys in the service station on the corner now know my brand off by heart! ;)).
I suppose I'm a little 'wiser' than most other people my age too... having had broken up with 3 boyfriends in the last YEAR I've already started being reluctant to chase after anyone anymore, and I'm now at the stage of only looking for love rather than lust... other than that... I'm the only person I know who's come to terms with the risks and downsides of smoking, and certainly the only one who's trying to quit.
But yeah... must keep on-topic... must keep on-topic...
edit- adding to that- I also happen to run my own business(computer troubleshooting/service/upgrades etc)... in my parents' garage... go figure.
i turn 16 in may
Remember that stuff? Oh, yeah. Got many a '60s tale to tell. Same age as you. Traveled far and wide on many planes and levels and remember in excruciating detail moments of transcedent wonder.
Now, if I can remember where I left the damn house keys I call it a good day.
I'm 16 and I ride a unicycle, in lieu of a working car or bicycle.
I am 16 will be 17 in december...
Although my brain feels older
hey! i run a company but not in the garage.....www.coppellcomputing.com
i just use my room. It pretty big, and i dont have a lot of stuff anymore. 13x13 or something.
hrm finally made an account
and im 17
with way too many computers!
never thought there would be such a spread of ages on here
Well I'd use my room... if it wasn't so small... all I have room for is a king-single bed and my iMac plus another smallish coffee table... all I can fit in there from work is my PowerBook 165c with customer records on it
the garage however is home to everything else... including customers' broken computers.
Replace that king-sized bed with a fold-up cot.
But then I wouldn't have a workbench...
I'm 34, and will be married for 4 years on September 30th (getting married at the end of the month makes remembering anniversaries sooooo much easier!
First used a PC in 1985 in high school. The first computer that I owned was a ColecoVision with the ADAM computer add-on. Used my first Mac about 5 years ago.
I'm 35 -- just turned 35-1/2 actually. First computer I owned was an Atari 800XL, which I got for my 15th birthday in 1984. First Mac I owned was an SE FDHD, with 2.5MB RAM and a 40MB HD. Got it at the beginning of junior year in college, 1989.
I'm so freakin' old.
I'm a nineteen year old community college student, with two jobs, and a 1989 Toyota Supra which I love dearly, and wouldn't trade it for anything. was thinking of buying a newer car, but nothing that fit my gas budget gave me the thrill of my car.
anyway, back on topic. Never been married, in night school and working sixty hours per week, and looking for a place to live.
I still have all my macs, but I havent time to play with them, except the SE/30 I use for writing essays. It's the easiest on my eyes, and I love the tactical feedback of the //gs keyboard I have connected to it.
anyway, thats me.
IMHO the //gs kbd was made for toaster Macs. :coolmac:
16 on oct 8
16 in January
1 1973 VW Beetle
7 Computers (3 Macs)