ADTpro straight through cable, DB9 to USB converter

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ADTpro straight through cable, DB9 to USB converter

I have my Apple IIe connected to my Windows 10 (64-bit) PC via a straight through cable , and a DB9 to USB converter cable so that it connects to my PC via USB (purchased both from Retrofloppy). When I start the ADTpro.bat file, I get the screen to select the configuration. I choose Serial, and it only shows COM3, and two possible baud rates. When I select COM3 with teh default baud rate, the screen closes and an error log is created in the ADT directory. The error message is as follows:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:##  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000180005b00, pid=1844, tid=0x0000000000002fd4## JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_261-b12) (build 1.8.0_261-b12)# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.261-b12 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)# Problematic frame:# C  [rxtxSerial.dll+0x5b00]


I have verified that I am running 64-bit Windows 10, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the Java runtime 64-bit version.


Any ideas?




Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 16 2009 - 18:34
Posts: 73
Additional information

Because I'm using the DB9-to-USB cable, I also downloaded the latest driver for it and installed them per their instructions. I can see the correct settings in Device Manager.

Last seen: 12 hours 39 min ago
Joined: Jun 6 2020 - 10:50
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EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION sounds like Java can't access some file it needs, most likely due to a security issue.  This could be casued by the User Access Control built into windows.  You could try temporarily turning that off.  Although I also have win10 64bit and have my UAC on and have no problems with this.  So I kind of doubt it.  Or unless you have any other 3rd party security software that might be viewing ADTPro as doing something bad, and blocking it.



Also, make sure you have the rxtx software copied to the required Java folders, and you have copied the x64 version of the files.  There are instructions on how to install it in the rxtx\win-x64 folder.

Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 16 2009 - 18:34
Posts: 73
ADTpro issues - Java

Thank you! I followed the instructions, and it made no difference. I do have Java version build 1.8.0_261-b12 installed. By the way, I am running the latest version of ADTpro (2.0.3).

I did find this post:


 david-schmidt commented 11 days ago

Let’s start with your java level. You said you have/had version V1.8.261, which is known to be bad. You should have then uninstalled that and installed something earlier - V1.8.*something. So I’d be interested to know what version is on your box now.

Next, for heavens sake, why did you go so far back in time to use 1.1.6 of ADTPro? Definitely don’t do that, and ensure you don’t leave an old file lying around, which is probably what is causing 2.0.3 to choke on a non-integer...



Does anyone have a link to an older Java version that works with Windows 10 64-bit?







Last seen: 12 hours 39 min ago
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I have that same exact

I have that same exact version of Java, and mine works fine.  Although, it looks like I may only have the x86 version installed, as it is installed in "Program Files (x86)", and not in "Program Files" where Windows tends to install all the 64bit software.  Its also possible maybe they are some how packaging the x86 and x64 versions together.  You used to have to download them separately.  But its been a long time since I messed around with that.  Now days I just let it update whenever it asks.


The x86 version runs fine on a x64 os, if you are using it for standalone programs like ADTPro.  The x86/x64 only comes into play if another program like a web browser wants to call Java to do something.  Then you have to make sure if your browser is x64, that you also have the x64 version of Java.


A Google search will probably net you a place to download older versions of Java.  But I personally am not a fan of using older versions of Java.  And I can confirm this version works, so I don't know why that other person thinks it's "bad".


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Got it to work!

Thank you for your input. I trusted the post from David Schmidt since he wrote ADTpro. And as you suggested, I did find a lower version of the Java JRE for Windows 10 64-bit (build 1.8.0_202-b08) to download and install. Of course I removed the newer version as well. That got me up and running to at least connect. Then on my PC, I started ADTpro via the ADTPRO.BAT file. I selected SERIAL, and entered the configuration screen. I had to adjust the port speed to 19200, and the bootstrapping to Pacing 250, Speed of 9600. I moved my card to slot 2, booted, did a Control-RESET immediately, and entered the IN#2 <enter> then CTRL-A <enter>. At the APPLE SSC prompt, I typed 14B <enter>. Then back to ADT on my PC to select ProDOS, then Speediboot and off it went. I the inserted a blank disk in the Apple IIe drive, formatted it, selected (R)receive, and entered the name of the ADTPRO-2.0.3.DSK disk image that is on my PC, and off it went to create the ADTpro boot disk for my Apple IIe.


The link to the older Oracle JAVA JRE is:

You want the Windows x64  -  jre-8u202-windows-x64.exe  file. You will have to create a free login (if you don't have one) with Oracle to download the file.


Thanks for all the help!




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gottj wrote:Thank you for
gottj wrote:

Thank you for your input. I trusted the post from David Schmidt since he wrote ADTpro. And as you suggested, I did find a lower version of the Java JRE for Windows 10 64-bit (build 1.8.0_202-b08) to download and install. Of course I removed the newer version as well. That got me up and running to at least connect. Then on my PC, I started ADTpro via the ADTPRO.BAT file. I selected SERI

AL, and e


Do you by chance use Kapersy or WD? You likely need only to add a security exception  both for the JRE and the AVA applet that you want to run.

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"so I don't know why that

"so I don't know why that other person thinks it's "bad"."

Yeah, it's a known issue that is all over the ADTPro discussions.  Took me a while before I figured it out.  I was assuming it was cabling, null, non-null, etc. ;-)

Could be it is only 64-bit.  I didn't test trying 32-bit only.

But I backrevved to get it working on my 64-bit Win10 machine.

I will try loading only the 32-bit current version to see if that works.

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