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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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Is Harro Walsh of on this forum?


gsmcten's picture
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Yes. Smile

aka SpeedyG Smile


Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 1 2015 - 18:57
Posts: 47

Would you tell me more about your apple 1 memory card? It looks like it has 32k of memory. Does it use VMA mode? Does it work while the other memory is still in the apple ?

Also are memory boards and expansion boards available?


speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
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Hello 8008guy,

first of all it seems that google or my website provider has launched wrong links that should
not be published anymore nowadays.....
2 years ago the stuff related to Apple I and Apple II in my main private website expanded the limits
given by the provider and i therefor launched the website aiming to the target
of getting all stuff related to Apple over there in the new location within the:
there is a complete subsection related only to the Apple I:
from that indexpage there are links to the single pages related to each card.

To get inside look to the development and infos you should review the entire thread here at:
in that thread is a quite bunch on information about the cards......

while the card have been developed W. Sander hadn´t published nothing about the VMA or the trick using it,
so my cards had been developed for straight use of the CPU and the expansionbus without any use of VMA
or any kind of modification of the mainboard and with the idea to step back to 1979 and pretend like if
the developement would have been performed in those days with the abilities and devices availiable of that days....

It happened in that period that Mike Willegal developed the CFFA1 for the Apple I as mass storage device and replacement of harddisk access for the Apple I. I ordered that card too because i expected all Apple 1 and replica owners to also equip their systems with that card. My cards happened to be delayed during transportation several months.

Finally when that cards arrived i started testing my cards with his CFFA1 and recognized a bad conflict due to the fact that the CFFA1 makes a access to adressing range of the cpu FAR BEYOND the adressing range of its slotadressing.

This was the time when W.Sander published the hint of using the VMA and the trick how to use the VMA.

This was the point when i tossed the task of this cards back to "delay-loop" resting for later examination of possible solution and pulled instead the task of the alpha-syntauri upfront:
that task finally took up nearls 6 months till it got completed at:

After that soon W.Sander published here his development of cards with Usage of the VMA:

and besides i also solved the task of:
which resulted to the pages of:

then after that tasks i switched back to another task that was delayed up till then:

At this point i ran into serious problem:
i used the KiCAD program to design my PCB´s and the related routing program:
about 1 1/2 year ago the owner of the routing software website became sued by the company he formerly was working for and even though he had been retired and developed the routing software after his retirement he was forced to switch of the site .....:

So at the moment i am blocked in developments....
another problem is the financial limitation i have to face....
i can´t afford puchasing another alternate package .... orcad, eagle and other alternates are too expensive to me.
I even tried that packages as tryout and discovered them to be far less usable to my needs than KiCAD....
Just for example: with eagle only 74 % of the traces have been solved while using the router while KiCAD solved the entire 100 % within a 2 layer board ! And there are a bunch of other reasons too not to purchase any of the alternate programs.

At the moment i´m at the point that within this year i´m going to setup another local desktop at my home with linux and implement in my home network a copy of the shutoff routing server to get my version of KiCAD working again.

Besides of the listed disabilities i also have to state also some kind of health disablities too after surviving 8 years ago 2 very serious and too late discovered heartstrokes.... my heart only solves 45% of it´s reagular duty....
so i´m forced to take respect to my health limitations too.... - at least if i don´t want to force private "direct" discussion with my creator within the next several years.... so i have to attempt my tasks by a kind of "slowdown and keep cool" mode....

to resume at the moment and to explain status of the mentioned cards:
at the moment they remain in the "delay loop" due to unsolved conflict with the CFFA1 and and the unsolved conflict of not usable KiCAD software. The very moment i am able to use KiCAD again and have local an operating KiCAD routing service - is the moment i turn back to the development....

but even then i have to also keep respect to my limited financial situation.... each time ordering prototypes of the PCB´s i have to face bills that affect also other daily cost and that also forces me to keep slow within my limits ( and they are realy vastly limited )....

so only thing i can state at the moment is to keep patience.... a lot of patience....

sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 1 2015 - 18:57
Posts: 47

Thank you for the detailed explanation SpeedyG.

I'll go through and read all the references you listed. I'm just in the process of building my Apple 1 currently. Once I get that done I'll circle back around and see what you have done.

I use ExpressPCB for my boards here in the States. They are great for small run fast turnaround, though they don't offer gold fingers and custom cuts on boards for card edge connectors and such. The SW is free, but does not auto-route. That part doesn't bother me as I've been manually routing my own boards.

Once I get my A1 done I'd be glad to help out if there is anything I can assist you with.

I wish you the best with all of your challenges.



Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 1 2015 - 18:57
Posts: 47


This link appears to be broken:

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
Posts: 2493


This link appears to be broken:

The reason is simple:
the dot at the end.... it´s end of the sentence but shall not be used with the link....
correct link is:

sincerely speedyG

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