I purchased a 1.33GHz ibook g4 from ebay as a present for my girlfriend after she fell in love with mine (Same model). I wanted to wipe the HD and install a fresh copy of OS X but whn I put the system disk (from my computer) in, it doesn't want to start up from it. Any tips or ideas? I figured since it was the same model that the systems disk should work.
Also, the more I think about it the more I suspect that this laptop may be stolen. Is there anyway to check that or a list of stolen SN's? If it was me, I would love to get my ibook back.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Are you holding 'c' at the startup chime to boot from the CD?
As for the theft idea, I think it's great you are concerned about it. There is no master DB that I know of for this, but there are services that generally have users place a sticker on the item that allows someone to enter a number on the sticker into a website to find the original owner. For an iBook the most common places to look for something like this would be under the keyboard or inside the battery compartment.
Yeah I am holding the "c" at start up but it doesn't do anything. Called Apple and they said the computer was registered to a school in CA, not an individual and it was manufactured last Sept. That doesn't add up....
also, there is an area of adhesive under the keyboard that looks like a sticker was there originally.... hmmm...
So I did a hardware test on the machine and it booted to a screen that had a picture of a locked lock and a section for a password (I assume) and a right arrow key. I have never seen this before.
It's an open firmware password.
If memory serves, you can unlock the OF by changing the amount of RAM in the machine (either adding or removing a stick).
iBooks have a serial number sticker and specs sticker under the keyboard, so I'm guessing the area you are seeing is a different one? On my G3 they are on the edge closest to the screen under the keyboard.
I think you need to reset the PRAM 3 times after adding the RAM if my memory is correct. This would then force reset the OF password. Try that and see what happens. Hope this helps!
Took out the added RAM and then did the PRAM thing. It's installing right now! Thanks!
It probably *is* stolen. Nobody sets their Open Firmware password. ;^b
Called Apple again. The tech actually told me about a stolen laptop registry. Checked it. Wasn't there (not really surprised). So I got the name of the school in CA and called them up today. They have no record of ever owning that specific iBook. I googled the previous owner, nada. Unsure of what to do really. Should I report this to eBay? Thanks for your help guys.