I aquired a 128K Mac a few months ago with the typical drive issue. I've done the fix to prior machines I've had but it has been a few years. Is there a web page that somebody has done showing the drive removal and repair? It has the sticking eject issue. Thanks for any links.
Don't quote me cause it's been a while, but I thought there was an article covering this in either Low End Mac or EveryMac forums.
Yeah, it looks like apple has made everybody take the manuals down. Bummer. I remember a time when you actually got schematics and design info with your Apple, look how things have changed. How can a Mac 128 service manual be of any use to apple any longer. Unreal.
check your PMs.
I didn't get any PM
Check again.
Here are two
It's an easy process, but a couple of times I've had the annoying experience of it failing again a few days later. So now I take extra care to get it fully cleaned and lubricated before putting it back together.
Yeah, I've done it in the past but couldn't remember the procedure for the drive removal. No I see it was nothing to worry about.