Hello there!
Problems with the heart and guts of my copy of OSX (as it was installed) on my computer I bought used (mainly that of the speakers not being detected), I've figured that my best bet is to do a fresh install, so I'm seeking a copy of OSX, not really picky, but it needs to be full and stable.
August 15, 2004 - 2:14pm
cheapest i'll ask for my os x install cd's not even opened is 80.00. mail me if interested
I have a copy of Jaguar (OS X 10.2) on CD I can sell. It's an OEM set from a dual USB iBook, but it will install OS X on any machine that natively supports it. PM me if interested.
OS X 10.3 on 3 original CD-ROMS from Apple for sale
Please consult my website(s)
(Mac hard and software)
(Books and manuals about Mac/ Mac software)