So, Apple announced the new "Macbook"s, and now redirects to their page. But it's still a dumb name. Post your best suggestions for a good name for them, and in seven days an arbitrary judging committee will choose the best one for it's official name on Applefritter.
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Didn't we kind of cover this already?
Macbook Pro got voted the "Probook"
My vote goes with Powerbook.
The "Power" in Powerbook existed back in the 68K days, so the name isn't associated with a processor like the "Power Macintosh" name.
I say stick with an identifiable brand name.
MacBook just isn't a nice name to pronounce. Too much like Ack, Ook!
You may recall my suggested name for the MacBook Pro: "PowerBook Fred."
My suggested name for the MacBook: "PowerBook Barney."
i vote the Pii, since this is the Powerful Intel successor to the Ibook
ooh, i like that too. but how is it pronounced? pie or pee?
IMHO MacBook isn't nearly so bad as MacBook Pro.

dan k
Based on its chicklet keyboard it should clearly be called the "MacBook Junior", or perhaps just "MBjr" for short. Does this presage a new look for the next rev of the Mac Mini, or the desktop G5 replacement? I can see it now...
Actually, the keyboard isn't chicklet-- the close-up photos show that the keys are seperated from the case (no icky mebrane keyboards here!), but I digress. I think Macbook is actually a good name for this computer.
The MacBook sure looks like a chicklet keyboard to me. The definition of "chicklet keyboard" meaning a flat non-sculpted key seperated by case plastic, ala PCjr or early Radio Shack Color Computers:
Membrane keyboards don't have keys at all, like the Atari 400 or Sinclair ZX-80:
Oh, I see what you mean. I thought you were talking about those loathesome rubber buttons or membrane keyboards.
It's true there are those hybrids, like calculator keypads, where you have a membrane or rubber sheet with "bumps" inserted through a plastic benzel. To really be true to form though, a "real" chicklet keyboard needs discrete hard plastic keycaps. They're the "chicklets", after all.
(Admittedly a lot of chicklet keyboard designs actually have a membrane or rubber-dome mechanism under the keycaps. Which makes me wonder what the MBjr uses, honestly.)
Just because I'm looking at a bottle fo the stuff sitting on a coaster on the desk near my mini I hearby submit the name:
Further, a brand-distinction must be made ro else we might bring the ire of the soda makers:
Macbook Squirt or MBS to be further expanded into Mac-like Box of Stuff for the entire Intel-based line.
Since ProBook won the MacBook Pro renaming contest (thank you very much), I thought I'd throw in my idea for the new name for the MacBook. Obviously, the "MacBook Amateur" just doesn't roll off the tongue... does "AmaBook?" How about "ConBook?" Well... I can re-enter "DynaBook" can't I? And... what's wrong with "iBook?" "WhiteBook" and "BlackBook" too obvious? MonoBook?
Well... I still had lots of unused ideas for names...
Since the kept the i in iMac why didn't the keep the i here? iVote iBook.
... "mine."
-- Macinjosh
The results are in folks.
All the judges (whoever is an AF mod/admin, is on my AIM list, and happened to be online) voted for the iBook. Honorable mention goes to the Mactop.
i still like the Pii
it's pronounced pee
kind of like nintendo's Wii