iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

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Leografix's picture
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iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

As long as I am trying to get this one working with a PowerPC Mac and a specific iTunes/iPod area is missing inside the forums I am placing this one here...

I upgraded my Twentieth Anniversary Mac to the possible maximum some time ago. As I collected many software versions over the time I gave iTunes a shot noticing that any 2.x version of iTunes runs awfully slow on that upgraded Mac and forcing me to use version 1.0.1, which does NOT make any use of the first iPod I also own (this requires version 2...).

Now: I am looking for the MP3 players of that time that were compatible with that first version of iTunes ( like the "Rio"-line and else ). Did anybody in here used one of these players when iTunes 1 was out? What experiences did You make if You owned one of these compatible models?


gsmcten's picture
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Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players


I'm sorry, but I can't help. I have never owned an iPod or used iTunes.
Just one more area that I lack knowledge in.
No doubt someone up here can help. Smile

GEOS's picture
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Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

Can't say I had an MP3 player back when iTunes 1 was out, but I have hooked my Newton into iTunes 2 and loaded music that way. I'm really surprised you found iTunes 2 slow. I have run iTunes on several pre-G3 systems and found it ran quite nicely even with 128MB of RAM. The visualizer wasn't any good, but just audio playback was typically fine.

smileyranger's picture
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Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

I've used different old versions of iTunes on my Indigo G3 iMac.


Wow...That signature of yours makes me rather jealous. lol.
Just a quick question, what is your favourite mac that you own that is listed is not.

-Smileyranger :3

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

I still have a Rio 500. My wife uses it to listen to audio books from She actually pays for audio book downloads! She says the Audibles are worth it because of all their exceptional vocal theatrics (notice I didn't use the terms aural or oral). Their software recognizes most Mp3 players--except, of course, the Coby I bought for myself--but doesn't work on PowerPC. Still not having an IntelMac, I rigged up an old XP Dell solely for the purpose of running their software for her. Myself, I just borrow audio books from the library. Pay for them? That's like paying for porn. Not me--ever! With all the free stuff out there now, why in the world would anyone pay for it? Don't quote me on that to my wife.

I used iTunes on a PM 6500 and a Beige G3 with the Rio's I had. I can't remember if I used version 1, but I know I didn't have any problems with 2, but screw the iTunes. What I used mostly was SoundJam MP in OS 9. That was the Casady and Greene published precursor to iTunes which Apple later swallowed whole, chewed up, regurgitated, and then spit out as iTunes. Actually, I still use SoundJam on a Beige G3 when I want to transfer Mp3 files to that Rio 500. I like the SoundJam interface and it has a pretty good sound file converter. SoundJam was the software that came with the Rio's. The Rio 500 is a pretty good early Mp3 player. I also had a Rio 600 and a Rio 700--both of which crapped out recently when I dug them out and started them up for my wife to use with Audible--but the 500 is still kicking along fine and is actually more versatile. The other two were limited to 64mb memory, while the 500 can accept one of the old wafer-thin flash cards as additional external memory. I've got a 128mb flash card in the 500.

GEOS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

I've used different old versions of iTunes on my Indigo G3 iMac.


Wow...That signature of yours makes me rather jealous. lol.
Just a quick question, what is your favourite mac that you own that is listed is not.

-Smileyranger :3

Here is the full list. I would have to say my favorite is the Cube, but close behind are 12" 1.5 PowerBook, TiBooks, and Performa 6115.

Powermac G5 Quad 2.5GHz 6.5GB
MacBook Pro 2.16GHz, 3GB
Powermac G5 Dual 2.0GHz 4GB
Mac Mini Core Duo 1.83GHz 2GB
PowerBook G4 12" 1.5GHz 1.25GB
iMac G4 17" 1GHz 2GB
PowerBook G4 12" 867MHz 1.12GB
Powerbook G4 Ti 867MHz 768MB
Powerbook G4 Ti 667MHz 512MB
iMac G3 500MHz 256MB
B&W G3 450MHz, 1GB
Powermac G4 Cube 500MHz, 1.5GB
B&W G3 350MHz ovrclk from 300, 448MB
Powermac G3 Desktop 350MHz overclk from 333MHz, 192MB
iBook G3 Indigo 366, 576 with hacked glowing logo
iBook G3 Graphite 366, 320Mb
Powermac 8600/200 upgrade to 333MHz G3 480MB
Powermac 7600/132 256MB
iBook G3 Blueberry 300, 192MB
Powerbook G3 233 Wallstreet 256mb
Performa 6400/180
Powermac 7100/80
Performa 6115/66
Quadra 800
LC III x 2
LC 520
Performa 400
LC II x 3
Classic II
Macintosh Classic
SE x 2

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 52
Re: iTunes 1 & pre-iPod MP3 players

I had (actually, I think I still have) an old Virgin Pulse (yes, that Virgin) VP-01 MP3 player, basically a rebadged MPIO player.

It definately had an iTunes plugin, though I can't recall if I actually used it with iTunes as I was primarily a PC person at the time.

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