I need to de-computer. I have bushels of Apple items (too cute?). My plan was to ebay it, but selling through here may work.
The problem is many of these things may be too common and may not be worth the trouble on ebay. I've done some research. Some stuff will only sell for a buck or two.
Help me here- what items are interesting (I refuse to say @@@RARE@@@!)?
I appreciate honest answers,
Apple II MN/SN: A2A0016/A2S1-61847
* Boots to "Apple ][" prompt
* Manufacture Date (corner of mobo): 7928
* Apple IIe Power supply
* Missing Cover (aaargh!!)
Apple II+ MN/SN: A2S1016/A2S2-102594
* Ram Card (CSE/KS??)
* Disk ][ Interface card
* No powersupply
* Keyboard issues (blown logic chip?) ex. Hit "0", get a "4"
* Apple IIe MN/SN: A2S2064/A2S2-D45-055F
* Disk ][ Interface card
* Mouse interface
* Mockingboard
* Parallel Card - Precision S/W
* RAM Works II
***Other Hardware***
Apple Disk ][ A2M0003 (Qty 3 older style, Qty 1 newer)
Transware Accelerator
Koala Pad
Numeric Keypad IIe A2M2003
Synch Printer Interface card
IRQ Manager - Berkeley Softworks
IEEE-488 Card
MPC Peripherals AP-S10
SUP'RMOD VHF Converter
Interactive Structres A/D
Modem - Applied Engineering Datalink
Floppy Drive Controller for IIe 3.5" Drive
Disk ][ Interface Card
Apple Super Serial Card II
Apple IIe 80 Col/64K Memory Expansion
Sequential Systems Ram80
Silentype Printer A2M0032
Hardrive in enclosure (I didn't open to get model, size)
Apple Monitor (I didn't note the model)
Commodore Monitor (I didn't note the model)
Copy II Plus
DOS 3.3 Basics, System Manual
Start Smith's Adventure Construction Set
Apple Fortran
Apple Pascal
GEOS - includes GEOFile, GEOCalc,...
Merlin Pro Macro Assembler IIe, IIc
No Slot Clock
more (if I remember correctly)
***Software on Cassette***
Apple Lis'ner, Apple talker
Forte' Music
Dynacomp - Poker Party, Teacher's Pet, Games Pack
Renumber/Append, Alignment Test Tone
MicroUsers Software Exchange (Baltimore) - UDraw, Music Box
Apple - Phone List, Brian's Theme
Apple - Hopalong Cassidy, Lemonade
Apple - Penny Arcade, Finance 1
Speakeasy Bulls & Bears
Avalon MicroComp Game - Computer Baseball Strategy
A Guide to Programming in AppleSoft (2nd Ed)
Apple II Basic Manual, Ref Manual
DOS Manual (DOS3.3, I think)
SuperSerial Card
AppleSoft Basic Programming Reference Manual
Apple Machine Language (Don and Kurt Inman)
I think the Apple II, even with the powersupply swapped is difficult to find, and since it's working, you could probably command a pretty good premium for it, especially if you bundle it with a monitor, disk drives, serial card, joystick, . . . etc. Too bad about the cover, I have seen original ]['s go on ebay for big coin ($20k-$40k). If it's a ][+ though, you won't get too much.
Unfortunately times are hard, and probably about to get harder. Who knows what that market will bear.
I see that you have the software driver for the NoSlot Clock. Check your machines to see if the clock is installed in any of them. Tested and removed, with the software, you might get better than $40. (If the computer it's in hasn't been on for awhile, the tiny embedded lithium battery will need a recharge, so turn the computer on and let it sit for an hour or so, then you can load up the driver software and reset the time/date.)
If you have complete packages for the following software, then sell them individually you'll do better (otherwise put them in a bundle and you might get $25-$45-$??);
Apple Fortran
Apple Pascal
GEOS - includes GEOFile, GEOCalc,...
Merlin Pro Macro Assembler IIe, IIc
Good luck!
Some selling prices of Apple II Systems with rev 0 motherboard seen on Ebay
I have to agree with Mutant Pie. If you had the lid for your Apple II you could probably get a good price, although I'm not so sure about the $20k. lol Right now I don't think that folks would spend that kind of money.
II+ and IIe computers are going for anywhere between $25 and (I want to say) $125 depending on what is in them and if they're bundled with anything else (Disk Drives, Printers, etc.).
Peripherals, software, and books can be had at different ends of the spectrum. I've seen AE Ram cards and / or acceleraters go for as little as $12.50 to as much as $125 or more. You just can't tell; especially now.
Whats interesting and could probably fetch a decent price on eBay?
Transware Accelerator
Koala Pad
Numeric Keypad IIe A2M2003
IRQ Manager - Berkeley Softworks
IEEE-488 Card
SUP'RMOD VHF Converter
Interactive Structres A/D
Modem - Applied Engineering Datalink
Floppy Drive Controller for IIe 3.5" Drive
Sequential Systems Ram80
Silentype Printer A2M0032
Hardrive in enclosure (I didn't open to get model, size)
***Software on Cassette***
Apple Lis'ner, Apple talker
Forte' Music
Dynacomp - Poker Party, Teacher's Pet, Games Pack
Renumber/Append, Alignment Test Tone
MicroUsers Software Exchange (Baltimore) - UDraw, Music Box
Apple - Phone List, Brian's Theme
Apple - Hopalong Cassidy, Lemonade
Apple - Penny Arcade, Finance 1
Speakeasy Bulls & Bears
Avalon MicroComp Game - Computer Baseball Strategy
These are the ones that might do well. I'm up on eBay all the time looking. My problem is that I, like you, have collected a lot of "Stuff " and am at the point where I must become "The Central Scrutenizer". lol Lately I have started collecting only peripherals (cards, etc.) that are in original and sealed boxes. This cuts back the amount of spending I do.
That's my two cents worth.
Good Luck and Best Regards,
Thank you for the very helpful suggestions. I wish I didn't have to get rid of these items. I remember the fun of using Pascal on an Apple. But I'm out of work and I need the money
I'll hold off on selling the systems for now, but I have put some software up on ebay. My ID is "10types" but it may be easier to search for:
Apple II Pascal
Apple II Fortran
Apple II Software Cassettes
I'll put more up the next week.
Thanks again,
How much are you selling the Apple //e for?
I'm sorry-- I sold it the //e on ebay a week or two ago.
The No-slot clock is still available new. It's used in various kinds of hardware and sold as the Dallas Smartwatch. I bought one at a local electronics store last year for about $25. I found the software for setting the time online.
there are plenty of people who don't like ebay for one reason or another.
If you live in a big enough city you might be able to make a listing on craigslist. Use the search feature to try to find apple systems that may of been put for sale recently to get a ballpark figure.
If that keyboard is an Apple II/II PLUS. I could definitely use it even if it's not functioning.