That's right. I used a 3.5" external USB 1.1 with OS 9.2.2 to startup the iMac DV off of.
I was wondering that, since PeeCee's could do it, maybe, just maybe, a Mac could do it.
To do this (I have only done this on an iMac DV Graphite.)
you need a 2.5" or 3.5" External USB Hard drive case with a HDD in it. (I used a generic 3.5" HDD case with an 11.3GB Maxtor HDD) and attach it to one of the ports. these are the next steps:
1. turn on the computer.
2. insert an OS CD/DVD
3. Hold down the "C" key until you see the "welcome to OS [insert # here]"
4. At the desktop, start the "Install Mac OS" program.
5. Install onto the external HDD.
6. Restart the computer.
7. On Restart, hold down the "Option" key until the disk selector comes up.
8. Click on the External HDD icon.
9. Enjoy the fruits of your labor
*note: this will only work on a Mac with built-in USB ports.
* I have only tried this on an iMac DV
* Disclaimer: I am not responsible for lost data and/or physical or mental damage. If you start to hillucenate from Mental damage, Check your-self into an Asylum Immediately
Your slot-loading iMac does exactly what Apple says it can do.
[Quote: Your slot-loading iMac does exactly what Apple says it can do.]
Sorry, I should have checked. Although, this means I won't have to buy another firewire case to boot off of the 3.5"
I admit, it is kinda slow. about as slow as booting off of the PCC PowerBase. Seeing that it only has an IDE channel that runs at 12Mbps. However, it is fast when doing other stuff.
Just out of Curiosity, would my Pismo boot off of it and can pismo's boot off of a PC Card slot.
I was gonna reply to this thread with a simple "Well, it's supposed to be able to do that", but I like Eudi's response better.
And just so you don't have to spend so long holding down a C key in the future... you only need to hold it down until the Happy Mac pops up- that indicates it's found an OS and is about to boot off it.
Eh. Apple makes it less then easy to find these things. But the information *is* there.
I can't find the TIL, but I believe:
A: Yes, the Pismo can USB boot. It's the oldest Powerbook capable of it.
B: I don't think so. Supposedly the "Wallstreet" is the last one capable of booting from PCMCIA.
General rule for USB booting: If the machine has USB *and* AGP-based video (even if it's integrated on the motherboard), it's bootable. Non-AGP machines, like Lombards, tray-loading iMacs, B&W desktops... no.
your time with that senseless Post. next time I will look at apple's docs. more closely. I thought I was the first to find this out, but I guess not... Although I now don't have to buy a another Firewire hard drive just to boot off another HDD. I did check on the Pismo and yes, it does boot off of USB. So I am now as happy as a greased pig being let out of the sewer.. I think that is how my folks down south say it... it goes along the line of ... "pertier then a red wagon going up a hill" type sayings. And yes, My folks ARE Rednecks, So... I guess I are one too.
Thanks every 1 foir there feedback..
see ya...
i use carbon-copy-cloner to clone my main machine's HDD to my ipod then i boot off that thing all the time. i use it to bypass login on the school's computers.
a hard drive with OS 9 on it so that if a client of mine doesn't have disk to reset the password for OS X imac, iBook,/etc... , I can go in and retrieve their stuff