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I'm not sure that this is possible. The UniDisks are an 800k mechanism (the same mechanism in the later Apple 3.5" drive) but with a "smart" interface - that is, they have there own CPU controller (kind of like the C64 floppy drives). They are the only drive that will work on a ROM 1+ //c (not ROM 0), and will work on a II/II+/IIe with a Liron controller, or a IIgs floppy port. On a IIgs however, you are better off with the newer Apple 3.5" drive (A9M0106) as they are much faster.
The only way I've read that you can read 1.44Mb MSDos disks on any Apple II is on an Apple IIgs with a Superdrive controller and a HD floppy drive (Superdrive) and the MSDos FST loaded in GSOS.
If I'm wrong, I'd love to know how he has managed to achieve this! :~
The reason I think that they are priced the way they are is that there are far fewer of them in comparison to other drives, and that they can be used universally across the Apple II line with the right controller. Still, I ain't paying $400 for one - that's just nuts IMHO. Especially when very little software was made available to the older 8 bit machines in 3.5" floppy format.
There was the BlueDisk controller with a 34pin for PC Floppies and 2.88mb support as well
This controller cannot read the GCR (400k/800k) floppies though.
Hi Mike.
Yeah, I dunno. Perhaps he is mistaken then.
I've never tried to go that route, so don't know for sure. My "go to" is copying disk images to my BMOW and then using that to move data back and forth.
Jennifer 2k for an Apple iigs local pickup only.
They're trying to make someone pay at least double
for the Transwarp Card.
They just might get $850.00 to $1000.00, but not more.
Just my opinion...
Steven $40 For a utility diskette.
That's james9.55.
He's kind of new to eBay and Apple II items.
I've been telling him that some of his items are way too high.
Does anyone need a mouse interface for an Apple ][?
Geez, and it doesn't even come with a mouse! Ha!
Look at the seller's location....
What about the location??
I wish these guys would stop using "New in the Box" as part of their pitch:
$450.00 for an ASCO Card????
Need an Apple II keyboard encoder board ?
It could be yours for 10 times the price of a complete Apple II :O
Maybe d**a will buy it.
What am I missing on that one?
Well, the asco card moved..
Hello to all AF-members,
calculating time for transport we're now ready to watch the
next six weeks of insane XMAS greed and nut's race at ebay...
I'm curious who will get this years nomination for trying
to sell the most stupid crap for the most outragious insane price....
get your spectacales on and deposit the coffeecups beside of the keyboards....
still waiting for a glas of dirt from steve jobs parents estate for 10.000 Bucks only
of course straight from the swamps of tennesee ( oh - they never have been lliving there ??? ...
sorry they confirmed to me that the location of the estate is a "Trump true fact" )
This guy must be in the Xmas spirit!
Maybe his heart has not grown 5 sizes yet.

I know horrible joke I'll just go to my little computer corner.
I thought Applecolor 100s were super rare?
If I remember correctly, one in similar shape went for $875 in the spring and another that was tested and working went for $900, plus shipping.
The most recent ones that I see were only selling for around like $260 tested and working and even one with the box!
Holy price drop, Batman!
Someone got a deal on the boxed one!
Here's one for the annals of Unethical Behavior: is selling these (it's their product after all)for $150.00
normal price. They are readily available and in stock.
This guy just dropped his price from $249.00 to what
it is now. I contacted a2heaven and let them know what he's doing.
I hope they hang him by his toes.
actually if you tried to buy one from a2heaven you quickly find out they are out of stock, I tried 4 months ago and today.
in fact I bought it.
asking $80 over "retail" is hardly out of line , I could have made a best offer for less, but who knows if a2heaven will do another run, if ever.
Hi Folks,
I'm a long time lurker and retro enthusiast, and I was motivated to finally post because of Steven's comments regarding me.
I have long observed that specialist products for the retro scene are available for relatively short periods of time, often becoming unavailable permanently, or for long intervals between batches. The CFFA3000 is a perfect example of this, fetching legendarily high prices between batches. I know, I've paid them.
I've made a habit of buying multiples of anything I have an interest in, sometimes making my extras available, typically on eBay, when they aren't available to be purchased elsewhere.
I want to make something clear. When I buy these goods while they're plentiful, I'm supporting the creator, and increasing demand for the product. No one is being "denied" anything. The makers of these items typically aren't making a fixed amount of units, but they do stop producing them eventually.
Sometimes an item put up for auction will reap a windfall because it's in high demand, ala, the CFFA3000. Does that offend Steven as well? Would Steven prefer the buyer, willing to pay a premium, should be DENIED the ability to spend their money on a hobbyist item?
For his information, after eBay and paypal fees I've made a whopping $26 per item "profit", and that's only "profit" if you discount any value for my time, and only if something doesn't go wrong.
According to Steven, I should only be permitted to sell at a price he approves, presumably one in which I will lose money.
In addition, he sent a nasty email to the designer of the product urging him to "get me" and "never sell me another product again!".
I have contacted my attorney, and Steven should call his in Maryland, asking for an explanation of the elements constituting tortuous interference.
I am offering a service, sometimes I make a little money, but usually I'm lucky to break even overall. Most people seem happy to be able to buy something no longer available, and no one is putting a gun to anyone's head in these transactions.
But some folks are just mean.
Yes, but if this seller is stockpiling the cards by buying them in bulk when they become available on A2Heaven with the sole intention of making a profit out of them - then I think this is unethical and should be frowned upon. It is this sort of behaviour that makes hardware developers give up!
My advice, wait for A2Heaven stock to come in and boycott these swindlers!
Swindler? Excuse me Mr. Stephens? Did I steal them? Did I trick anyone? I PAID for them, full price. The seller is running a business, at a profit.
You'd better be willing to back that up, because you've ventured into slander.
Yes, by all means, if and when more become available buy them at a lower price. I put mine up because they weren't available!
Nothing wrong with re-selling anything you buy, and nothing wrong with asking any price. Yes we can make fun of it, but nobody is getting hurt by this.
In fact, the seller is taking a risk. What if he buys a whole bunch of these, and a cheaper version is release in high quantities (or better products are released). He would take a big loss.
I have overpaid for things when they were out of stock. I decided I don't want to wait. Thats just how the market works.
There was a story recently of a guy that started an entire business doing this. He goes to Walmart and buys up the clearance racks and re-lists it at and is making a killing. However he is taking a risk and he admitted a few times he had to take a loss
You said:
"According to Steven, I should only be permitted to sell at a price he approves, presumably one in which I will lose money."
Amongst other things.
I expect you to not sell items that are readily available on a2heaven web site for more than they are worth.
No doubt, speculation on the supply and demand of an item may come into it at some point, but as of yesterday, these cards are in stock.
You don't have to sell to me and
I don't have to buy from you, but
if I see what I believe to be unethical behavior,
I will give my opinion about it.
Good Luck,
Yes Steven, you are entitled to your opinion, regardless of how ill informed or intellectually dishonest it is.
What you are not entitled to do is interfere in a contractual arrangement between myself and a supplier, which you have done.
I wasn’t sure how to proceed, but your boasting about the vindictive steps you’ve taken, specifically encouraging someone to no longer do business with me has crossed the line from opinion to what I’m advised is an unlawful action.
If what you are doing is stockpiling the cards by buying them in bulk when stock becomes available on A2Heaven with the sole purpose of selling them off at a profit, then you are depleting the stock that would otherwise be available to people at the "normal", under-inflated price. In fact if this is what is happening, then what you are doing is essentially the same as what is known here in Australia as "scalping" (mostly to do with tickets to live performances/sports). But from what I understand, there is movement currently in our courts trying to introduce laws to ban this type of behaviour (scalping).
Whilst what you are doing may not be illegal, and you are not forcing anyone to buy from you, I am in agreement with Steven that is unethical. Remember, A2Heaven is one-man operation (a hobbyist) making parts for a relatively small group of retro-computing enthusiasts. He is not some mega multi-national company producing stock like there is no tomorrow.
To discourage this type of behaviour, I will *always* recommend that people buy from the "true source" rather than someone trying to make a buck from someone else's work. This is simply *my opinion*, and I stand by it.
to Ghoulish:
first of all - the compare with the CFFA is a very bad try !
Mike Willegal at least tries to limit abuse of stockpiling by limiting the
sales to 2 Cards per order and second he handles his business with most effort to transparency....
of course you might reply that this won't prevent from suspects to disable that policy by
using various ID's at orders to disable limitations to prevent from stockpiling...
At the other hand.... of course it's an advantage to your kind of business that A2heaven performs
running his shop in a not very plesent way ignoring posts and keeping the site for weeks "out of date"
and ignoring mails....
but yes - stockpiling in not yet prohibited by law - "God shave America" and the "new american dream"...
but not every legal action is "ethical clean" - like some kinds of tax betrayal....
but i do agree that the view to law and "legal" has been shifting in the last decades
and some still don't want to follow up that kind of trends]....
with "the current kind" of President that kind of "shifting" even runs faster....
i never would have thought several years ago to argue on words like "truth" since there seems to be
another kind of the use of the word "truth" became habit nowadays....
Steven is a older fashioned guy who still uses his words the way they have been used for a long period
of decades ago and refuses to walk along the "new path of nowadays definitions".....
But I'm sure.... - with your "interpretation of stockpiling" you'll make a avarage kind of bucks and get a average amount of friends....
and if you want to waste your bucks to a lawyer ... well that's also in the best fellowship of the current President....
just my opinion....
Nothing is being "depleted". When I order more, he orders more parts, and makes more. This is the fundamental issue with leftists, they think everything economic is a fixed quantity which must be distributed according to their sense of fairness. That's the logic that leads to lines around the block for toilet paper.
My purchase results in profits for the maker, encouraging and supporting him in research and development. Believe it or not, there are A2 enthusiasts who don't stray into these forums, have never heard of the Fast6502, and end up purchasing one on eBay instead of an old Transwarp card, which, incidentally, are collapsing in price since I put my listing up. This means more of them are sold than would otherwise be via his site alone. And again, if things were done your way, only the AII "elite" who are active in the hobby would ever become aware of A2Heaven's project. Your way results in fewer sales for A2Heaven, mine results in more.
Most importantly the vendor and I have a good relationship, I have spent thousands of dollars in his shop, and his attitude is that once they're sold, the owner can do whatever they like with them.
(This may shock your sensibilities, so brace yourself - A2Heaven is a profit making business, not an artist's commune or charity for those suffering from an unmet need to upgrade their Apple II)
And by the way, for those who seem to want to blame me for months and years of shortages at A2Heaven, I bought a handful of cards months ago. The eternal "out of stock" status is hardly the result of my small purchase.
That might be "your logic"
but I'm neither leftist - nor communist ( which might be more the term you would have preferred to use )
but i am a supporter of "open source" - some thing that might be a nightmare to you...
and it might be frightening - but the most developments in the last years have came from open source....
but for your relief: I do agree - profit and greed seems to become new common religion...
and yes - I do have another attempt to "retro-computing" preferring to keep them running in their
original shape....
You said:
I have no idea what you are blathering about.
I have not interfered with your supposed arrangement between you and a Supplier.
I have not encouraged anyone not to do business with you.
I have done nothing but give my opinion of your actions.
I am not "ill informed or intellectually dishonest".
You can ask any of the members here of my honesty and how well informed I actually am.
Your Bully Tactics do not phase me in the slightest.
That's what they are; Bully Tactics.
I happen to have Lung Cancer, which everyone here will attest to,
and do not have that long to live.
Go sell what you want for however much you think you can get.
I shall buy mine from the manufacturer, when I want one, for their price.
Again, Good Luck,
This reminds me a little of "The Sand Lot", meaning what does Woz have to do with a base ball!
Oh, here it is:
Bully tactics? "I hope he hangs him by his toes" lolololol.
I never did anything to you, never prevented you from buying or not buying from whoever you like, yet you went well out of your way to try and harm me, intentionally.
However, this drama hardly rises to the level of me wishing ill on you, 8-bit aficionados are scarce, so, I certainly hope you get better and have many more years of being cranky ahead of you
(and by the way everyone, 5 cards are available at A2heaven right now if you hurry.....though I currently have a monopoly on black knobbed versions)
I went to go order one. Out of stock.. And I will only buy direct from manufacturer or approved resellers, for the manufacturer's price.
There are so many aspects to this hobby, that if a small production run is quickly depleted for whatever reason, I can go find something else to get interested in. And if they become available again, well, my gain.
Hello Ghoulish,
a lot of postings from a "one-day-member"....
and a lot of self-excuses and precious fairytales about "the advantages of stockpiling"
except of just only making a bunch of bucks and
for sure you catched my vote for this years competition of the upmost greedy guys in the
market within the greatXMAS-race at fleabay mentioned in this thread...LOL
And a lot of help to the other members in this community by this valuable insight to stockpiling LOL.....
thats the kind of members we have been searching here very hard for vears
and this will be a very great advantage to us innocent guys here LOL !
with best sarcasm
I'm glad this came to light, because my wife likes to get me these little odds'n'ends for the Christmas season. The rest of the time she's hounding me to get rid all my excess stuff. 160 or 260, the price is irrelevant to her, only the amount of space it consumes and potential for mess-making. All this serves as a good reminder for me to make mention she only gets stuff first-hand from the original seller.
I just wanted to chime in on this subject, what you are doing IS Bully Tactics and will always be. Here is a definition that I have found,
Now think about what you said before in the same vain.
In this very instance you were trying to intimidate him, and in my believe trying to imply getting a lawyer.
On a different note this whole little tangent is out of hand. Both sides have been heard, INCLUDING the fact that he is merely tying to resell for his own profit. Yes I don't particularly like that he is purposely trying to make a profit off it because he's the only one you can get it from right now, but that won't change for a while and we can't do anything about it.
So lets go back to the original purpose of this thread.
In second thought. These scalpers also provide a real service to last-minute purchasers. There could be many reasons why someone couldn't purchase from the official source when it was available. Funds, knowing it was available, many reasons. And if they don't have too-high a price then I do buy from them. A small profit is like a convenience fee.
Hello Keatah,
50% plus -> 79,00 Dollars -> "A small profit is like a convenience fee" ?
at raise of 25 % i would not have started argueing...
just my opinion....
Say something costs $100. I'll pay a scalper maybe $110 or $115. I will not pay $150.
But that's the point here:
at A2heaven the official price was without stockpiling 150 Dollars
and Ghoulish wants 249 Dollars for that item...
corrective EDIT: 229 Dollars
Yeh.. $100 is too much profit.
The best defense is to simply not buy.
“A strange game.
The only winning move is not to play.”
Best way to handle situations like this.
Just sayin’
This could backfire on the original mfg/seller. Because there is the risk I might get frustrated with the lack of availability of anything, and not come back.. Because I know it will all be sold out. So why bother?
it's oldfashioned knowledge that it's safe to kill business if you don't bother
about your customers/consumers -
ignorining posts for weeks and leaving a internetshop for weeks without updates
leeds to a point where customers loose interest and patience and refuse to wait
and turn back to the shop..... and finally loose also faith in the person running
the shop....
who likes to pay for items to a shop not even knowing if the item is availiable
and then after weeks finally just get a note that the item is out of stock ?
this kind of behaviour just supports guys like Ghoulish....
nevertheless ...... it's a point to leave this mess and rather more view the
upgrowing future of this "XMAS-Race".... One thing is for sure from experience of past years:
there will be more links to guys that try to hit "the gold-claim of greed"
and demand for outragious prices for crappy items... because there are a lot of greedy
crazies during the next weeks out at fleabay.... the later the time to XMAS proceeds,
the more of such creatures will be creeping out of their holes....
so lets be cute what we can view...
Guys! Guys! Guys! Put it to bed already. Time to move on.