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Check out the chips in the middle. NICE!!
How could someone possibly list junk like that without a hint of disclosure?
For example:
"Here's something that has been brutally abused where at least 5 chips of unknown origin have been carelessly forced into IC sockets. So it is reasonable to expect that this card could not possibly work & could even damage your vintage Apple if you attempt to use it in its current condition. You are bidding on this because you know what it is & are an expert & know how to repair it or can use it as a salvageable donor for spares...."
But the seller is just another rogue looking for enough coin to pay for his next cup of coffee.
And a whopping one feedback! Anyone smell a rat?
Good Evening All,
It's Soap Box Time.
Well, as I peruse (that's one of them .10 cent words) the Apple II areas of eBay
I continue to find more and more things to laugh about.
Sometimes they are Very Funny, sometimes not so funny.
Cases in point: The outrageous prices for Apple II Plus, IIe, and IIc units.
IIgs units are not as bad, but folks are going of the deep end for the others.
II Plus units for $599.00 (starting price) $650.00 Buy it Now.
IIe units starting at 200.00
IIc units (no Power Supply and in bad condition) $250.00 to $500.00 (or more) starting price.
IIc units (with ROM 4!) over $200.00.
Do these sellers think that I am (or we are) stupid enough to spend that kind of money
on these same units that we were only spending $35.00 to $45.00 (maybe) this time last year?
Is the day of the $10.00 IIc, the $20.00 IIe, and the $25.00 II Plus gone the way
of the Lone Ranger and Tonto?
(in the background a deep native American voice sys "I don't know Kemosabe".)
Maybe it's time to tell these folks "NO!"
I can buy a normal IIc, with Power Supply.
Buy one of Buggies ROM 4 chips.
Clean the unit.
Install the ROM.
And do it all for less than $60.00. PERIOD.
Why am I going to pay twice to three times what I paid for that unit?
Yes. My time to do this is also valuable, but not to the extent that
I am going to push away and alienate the very folks I deal with all the time.
This community is too important to me to do something like that.
It's important to all of us.
Just my two cents.
I am just ITCHING to pay $1,287,609 dollars on an original Apple IIGS mouse just because it is "RARE!" And I can't stop myself even though I know that the Omron D2F snap action switch on the mouse will most likely not work properly after all of these years.
I looked at this the other day, and was awful, looks like someone called him out on that, and he fixed it and retook new pictures. Now it's in 'Great condition' (Although it probably said that before)
I see it is improved. I can't see how he thought that would be OK.
Yeah, I policed him on it. He apologised for posting the wrong pics. Whether it works or not though roll your coin & take a chance. LoL.
Wrap it in mylar & store it in a climate controled box at 18-20c/45RH for the next 40 years & if it still works with that "rare" matching computer set, you might just get your pot of gold or silver or credit or bitcoin or food stamp or whatever pays in that future world if there's even a market for it
Steven, while I find it laughable some of the stupid things we see people put up for sale or the outrageous asking prices, I do not take it personally as you seem to do when someone ASKS an outrageous price. No one is forcing anyone to pay the asking price and more often than not it seems they do not pay it.
As for auctions running up in price, I did not get back into my Apple II's and Compact Macs until last year, so I have never seen the kinds of prices you mention.
Where exactly can I get a working, complete w/PSU IIc and a ROM upgrade for $60 total? Not on Craigslist in my area of the country, and certainly not on ebay. Sometimes I can come close to that, but I usually have to sacrifice something (functionality, cracks, yellowing, whatever)
How do I upgrade the ROM? Is the ROM in a IIC socketed or do I have to solder?
The average person does not know or do these things, and that is who a large percentage of the buyers are.
In all seriousness, where can I find what you mention at those prices? Not in NJ or NY for sure (I'm in NJ) I look every day. As I said once in a while a deal pops up but I have been looking at II+ machines selling for $200-$350 on craigslist for a year now and that's no shipping, not working or untested, etc. IIe machines have been listed from $100 to $250 for that same year.(actually, since September 2013)
Maybe the prices were lower a tear ago, they are not now. I have no experience with the things you mention (prices as low on average)
Prices that low are the exception, not the rule now. I'm not talking about asking prices, I'm talking SELLING prices, what people are actually paying.
I guess 20 years ago the muscle car guys got upset when those 60's 70's muscle cars started becoming 20 and 30 year old classics and prices started going up and up. Now Mecum Auto Auctions sells them for 10 times what they cost used just 20+ years ago.
I would love to be able to buy the things you mention at the prices you reference, but they have not existed (except on occasion) since I started this last year.
Asking prices I laugh at, selling prices I sometimes marvel at, wondering how or why something would sell for so much. Then I remember my dad telling me that something is worth whatever someone else is willing to pay for it. You can ask whatever you want but you'll only get whatever they are willing to pay.
iPad, iMac, iPhone, Jobs' death, national exposure of Apple I pricing, Macvangelists, "Think Different" posters, slick, polished, shine, barrage of APPLE, APPLE, APPLE...
so pay, Pay, PAY for Apple II stuff
Apple mystique. That is what you are paying for.
I have to agree that I am not seeing the low prices mentioned above anywhere. As working museum grade becomes rarer, particularly complete box sets, international/euro versions, the prices are shooting up. Add international freight for the overseas collector & what sells is compounded further into future valuations.
There are parts of the world where fine examples no longer exist because of climate, social attitude and/or where the market import was low volume, high cost to begin with. Eg. Australia is a good example where it received the euro/international models & all of the above conditions applied.
Sure US models are cheaper & condition is easier to find, because that market was huge. It is uncommon to find quality EU listings unless you want to take your chances buying from Bulgaria.
As for the "i" phenomenon of the last decade, we are now beginning to see that steam lose its puff. In years to come, you will appreciate the "i" era devices were not built to stand the test of time either.
There are just no words for this:
I'll see your printer, and raise you a Mac.
I saw the printer earlier and thought of this thread. The computer is just beyond words.
I saw the printer earlier and thought of this thread. The computer is just beyond words.
What's the problem? In addition to being factory sealed this computer can also help keep us aging apple enthusiasts regular! After all, it is "Bran" new!
I said:
one of Buggies ROM 4 chips costs 13.00
One IIc can cost between $10.00 and $40.00.
Either with or without a Power Supply (luckily I have several spares).
They are on eBay. You just have to look.
My time to install the ROM 4...Priceless, because I did it myself.
My time to clean the unit...Priceless because it IS my unit and I want it to look sharp.
Would I turn around and sell it for three times what I paid for it? No.
But that's just me I guess.
No one actually questioned the value of doing stuf themselves, the quote most pertinent to the conversation was this one you made:
$10 IIc? Nope, never saw one except that did not work. Saw one go for $25, but you had to live in Illinois and pick it up in person. Saw one recently sell for around $40 that worked with a PSU. Of course, it was $38 shipping, so it was really an $80 CPU and PSU, not $10. Unless you count that one that sold for around $20 that did not work, was broken and missing about a half dozen keys.
$20 IIe?
$25 II+?
That was the point.
On a lighter note and back to the thread (sorry I derailed it slightly, should have just kept my mouth shut)
Saw a couple nice 80 col. cards for that $20 IIe....they were around $200 each!! (couldn't believe it when I saw that...look 'em up, too funny)
Yup! I've seen them.
They're a hoot and a half! lol
There really are a few IIc's out there for less than $50.00.
You are correct that most of them don't have power supplies with them.
You can pick up the newer power supplies being made by a couple of folks
for less than $20.00 though.
A few of the IIc's have been Basket Cases too.
I guess the days of the "less than $20.00" Apple II are gone.
It's a shame really.
That does not stop me from pointing out things like the Buy It Now $5,000.00 IIc that's listed.
I told the seller about the "Unopened" IIc that sold a few years back for $2,600.00
and wished him well.
There is a IIe on ebay asking $25 and taking a best offer. It might go for $20.
Missing a couple of keys though.
I don't know.
I've picked up a couple of IIe's and a II+ lately and basically got them for free. Actually made money on them and still have them. They were all over $200, over $250 if we're counting shipping. However, I tend to look for ones with drives and fully loaded with cards. In both cases I was able to sell off the cards and drives I did not want for more than I paid for the original systems. I still have cards to sell! They will probably go up on eBay. The other IIe will given away as a gift.
The cards tend to be hidden gold mines. A typical Z80 card can be sold for more than a bare IIe, and I'm talking reasonable prices too.
There are still bargains to be had if you want to put in a little effort.
I have to agree that the NIB IIci & Stylewriter listings are over the top b/c they were never significant machines to begin with. Recently a IIc Plus NIB with monitor & stand fetched a high price. I guess what is significant here was, despite not being expandable the IIc was the first portable & set the design framework for the modern laptop.
As a kid, I thought the IIc was slick & had some cool factor with its ProDOS & MousePaint. But I refrained from bidding on that NIB because of the large disparity with typical IIc prices.
If a NIB 240v IIc (plus) came my way down the track, I may consider buying it.
Too funny, can't imagine someone spending that much anytime soon, even with prices going up! I sent him a message last week sometime asking for more photos to show that the boxes are all sealed and their condition. he posted them up rather quickly, so at least that's a step in the right direction!
Seller A $99.99
Seller B $1,100.00
Hmmm..... decisions, decisions.
Which one should I choose?
Ugh, I can't decide!
See, people do read this forum & this thread! Since Hemplighter was flagged & negative feedback left, his Apple ][ re listing stalled at $1,500 compare to $6,100. Well an Apple ][ is worth something in between there depending on condition & completeness.
Evidently, Hemplighter is not real. Either a fraudster or eBay dummy probe account. Still it is up to the community to beware of those who sell carbolic smoke balls.
As for the winning bidder, no need to try to part with your $1,500. His Payment limit has probably been lowered to prevent you from completing the transaction anyway.
He'll probably get his higher price. Nice early A2 Saturn board with ceramic chips, looks complete. Certainly not Lisa. Annoying that sellers do this for search exposure.
I am still of the mind that there should be an Annual Award for the most laughable item.
What do you all think?
Hello Steven,
the idea is still good....
but i won´t dare to vote in general....
i´d perfer to vote in catagories like at the oscar ...
first category: most outragious price compared to value of item.... ?
otherwise a joystick for 1000 bucks ( 100 time overprice ) won´t have a chance
against a Apple IIe for 3000 bucks ( 40 time overprice ) ...
second category: offer with most bullshit and lies in offertext....
third category: worst offer of damaged crap.....
maybe other members have more ideas.....
do we vote a jury ???
i guess you unterstand the problem i am facing with only one vote....
do we mail a certificate for the winning award of the category to the winning nominee ???
Maybe he wants a doc framed for the wall ???
is the prize a broken oversized rusted screw with applefritter logo ? or a box with schattered glass ???
Monthly, so we can still look back on the listing.
Fourth category: Biggest amount of "rare" and "vintage" words in an item.
Hello protek,
i believe this to be category 2 ?
(way overpriced IIe)
From the listing... "I'm selling an apple IIe computer..."
NO. You are LISTING an Apple IIe computer. BIG difference!!
Look! Someone has the same picture on his listing:
That's not the first time I've seen that picture copying crap on ebay. In fact a power supply listing I sold over a month ago was copied by a big parts vendor (the picture and the title word for word). I considered posting it here so that no one buys it thinking they are going to be getting the power supply in the picture; Because the power supply pictured has already sold!
Whats more disgusting is the seller does not mention that the picture is not of the actual item they are selling.
It's still for sale if any of you want me to post it so you can avoid it. I tried reporting them to ebay but I have not heard anything back yet.
That´s one of the troubles with ebay:
they are that greedy for the fee´s that they don´t really prosecute such "fake offers"
listing an item with stolen picture....
In fact the only protection is such cases is immediatly taking pictures on arrivel of item
with some witnesses present.... and then performing reclamation... never buying such item
by banktransfer - only using the paypal option - because that option at least is equipped with the
ebay "money back guarantee"...... only in such case ebay acts - because they don´t want to argue in court
with a lawyer being proof to support fraudster.....
If ebay would really change their policy and really shut down every account of member caught in a
sales act with "fraud stolen picture" - at least 30 % of the accounts would not exist any more
resulting from a bann...
that´s what is called "new economy" ..... LOL
it´s just one of the basics in act of corruption as "partner of new economics":
"poor guys believe faithfully in law
while rich guys buy law with the content in their wallet..."
some people still remain believing this to be same...
and are surprized that such behaviour changes modes in community ? .... LOL
Name drop!
monitor not included
Hmm, I always thought Apple II series was Woz's handiwork. I'm so glad I got corrected.
At the moment a lot of bulk is claimed here in the thread not really worth to be mentioned....
10 time overprice is really not a candidate for this section to be laughable....
it´s just indicating the seller to "join the party"..... the moment the "rocketshooters" are still hiding in the closets...
the real "rocketshooters" will creep out in about 2 months with Xmas being 2 months ahead !!!
That´s the time the realy crazy guys step out to the floor singing their song:
"bucks i will, Bucks i want, Buck along the path, ... oh what fun to sing along with bucks to pick ahead ...."
( music inspired by Jingle Bells......)
LOL or sigh.....
Today's Pick:
$200.00...Even that may be do-able.
$999.99 ??? ...Holy Rat Sh*t Batman!
This guy is somethin' else!
It's Logo!!!! Even back then, Logo was a bit of a joke. I'd be surprised if it fetches the asking price.
... and what bargain. I'll sale mine for half that
I could be interested in buying it off you then.
A few have sold in recent months. They are fetching over $500 as I recall.
Hello to all the new members,
that joyfully/painfully join this thread...
What we are hunting for in this thread is the:
"i crept over the minefields to the junkyard by risk of my life to
rescue this ONCE IN A LIFETIME find of one of the very last unique
original manufactured by Steve Jobs himself units of the very original
Apple IIe - at the one and only chance of
BUY IT NOW option only 4500 bucks
and only 250 bucks insured transportation by overnight delivery agency
guaranteed to be brought to your door right before Xmas !"
appointed by pictures displaying a IIe with half of keyboard keys missing,
inside partial rest of the skeleton of the mouse that passed away in the case
and the original spiders that survived below the mainboard the last 30 years...
and the rusted areas "updated" with photoshop... and of course not tested...
"This will be the very last chance to invest some money in a antique part
of computer history of one of the last heroes in startup era of computing
and it will surely increase in value hundreds of times in the next few years !!! "
we will surely see such "neat performances" in End of October till end of November...
remark to Steven:
don´t spit the precious straight Bourbon while being irreitated
if to laugh or cry while reading this...
you surely remember we´ve seen similar text in previous days...
and they surely will turn back ( that kind of days ...)
Yes Speedy.
The cycle will start itself again shortly.
It is a shame though, that it is this way.
Some of the sellers asking for your left leg and first born child
for plentiful items. (Some want other body parts.)
"Sealed new in box" means something different to me than it does to that seller.