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I agree - that was reason for last posting...
And my posting.
[quote=gsmcten]Here's one for the annals of Unethical Behavior: is selling these (it's their product after all)for $150.00
normal price. They are readily available and in stock.
This guy just dropped his price from $249.00 to what
it is now. I contacted a2heaven and let them know what he's doing.
I hope they hang him by his toes.
Steven :)[/quote]
I will just leave this here
I did let it go. lol
Where have you been?
Agreed on all accounts. Scalpers can be assholes by overcharging. Scalpers can do us favors by having something available that is NOT normally available. Swings both ways.
This is a typical case of a mouse wandering into a cage full of cats and then wonders why he's being served for lunch.
Very well put.
here is one I found, I just love the description "Computer may not work upon arrival as item is very old. Tested and works as shown above prior to shipping, I am not at fault for any shipping damages and am not accepting refunds.", So apperaently if he does a horrable job at packing the 20 pound monitor and it crushes the computer, he just wont take responsibility.
For $1,000, why can someone NOT throw in free shipping AND package it worth a darn??
Once upon a time I managed to devise a packing method for monitors or Apple iie computers to make them safe for transport. Unfortunately, it took me 4 days to finish it. 4 days of work to send something through the mail is very hard work.
$7500 for a takky
Just an old 6502 ($1000 from Italy):
Regards, Ralf
Music to my ears! An Alpha Syntauri set just moved for 1600!
And a Graphics Tablet for just under $500!
Finally we're approaching what these things are worth.
I have to agree with you thhose are much rarer than I think people know.
Happy Holidays Everyone,
I just renewed my subscription to Juiced GS for 2018.
I just love seeing it arrive in the mail.
Nothing specific to point out on eBay this morning, but
A few prices for common cards seem to be rising for no reason other
than it's Christmas time, e.g.:
5.25 Controller Card, normally $20.00 to $26.00
is now up to $49.99.
I don't exactly know what this guy is thinking trying to sell this for $200.
That's right. $200 is too much. I bought one for $28 not all that long ago.
Anyways, there's about 2500 Apple II related items. Maybe about 2700 if you add in some extra search terms. This up from 2 and 4 years ago. In fact it's an increasing trend.
Wonder if it's because people are getting out of the hobby? Enthusiasts passing onward? The hobby itself is growing? Or pricing is out of hand?
Well I know that several of the computers I purchased in the last year were from estate sales or being sold by relatives of a now deceased Apple II owner... (One seller had a really early Apple II that he paid $100 for from a yard sale)
And several of the auctions I've watched were obviously from storage lockers, as you can sometimes see the piles of "stuff" in the background.
It used to be that people would bundle things up into 1 tidy auction now they appear to be selling each individual item. (Used to get some great piles of software, etc.)
And I also see some auctions where the seller states that they are trimming down their collections, so I think its probably all of the above - plus people are getting more savvy about potential value of old computing items.
Someone is trying to flog Briel's Apple 1 replica for.. well, I'm speechless, to be honest:
Well, thanks to d**a the price of the LiRON card and Apple UniDisk are on the moon and I am assuming since these sellers saw them going for upwards of $400.00, they will just keep relisting them at these higher prices
Apple 3.5 Controller Cards
Apple UniDisks
Oh well, I guess the days of $90 LiRON card and $70 UniDisk are gone for ever!
Probably.. And I would guess these are flippers and scalpers doing this. Or plain old dumb-ass "ebayers" cornering the market. Or is it because "Apple" and "old"?
Is this a good thing? Maybe, it's increasing the perceived value of all our Apple II material. Apple = $$$.$$ and maybe soon to be $$$$.$$ On the other had it is stopping hobbyists from enjoying the platform. More about that in a moment.
I looked up the price of my AE PC-transporter boards. Years and years ago I purchased them for like $100 for 3 of them and box of fittings, screws, and cables.
Today I was pleasantly surprised to see one actually move for $800. And it started at a very reasonable 299.00
As far as hobbyists enjoying the platform. I think the best way to experience the most of what the Apple II lineup has to offer is by getting a solid introductory system and focusing on the essence of the platform. That means software. Don't bother with originals on ebay unless it's for a nostalgia trip.
This means:
1- Enhanced Apple //e or Platinum
2- 2 Disk II drives and a controller
3- Color composite monitor
4- 80column/64k card
5- Super Serial Card
6- Paddles and Joystick
..and optionally
7- Grappler + printer interface
8- Dot-Matrix printer
9- Some form of clock/calendar card
10- An internal or external modem
11- A modern flash-based storage solution
12- Original period correct manuals and books
13- Wood bureau/desk with other various 70's and 80's accouterments like notebook, paper, pencil LED calculator, some "Solar System" posters and Voyager 2 photos, digital clock radio, old-school phone.. that sort of thing.
You should be able to get the required stuff for about $400-$500 and all the optional stuff for another $300-$500.
I say stay away from the Apple II and II+ because those are rather limiting and useful to collectors or people wanting something very specific. Like the Videx Keyboard Enhancer II, that gives you a type-ahead buffer, among other interesting fixes and "mods".
I hear you on the whole Unidisk 3.5" and LIRON card buyer that's been sucking them up lately, but if you look (just watched one the other day) there have been numerous drives that have sold for $200 or less (a couple for $100 or less) and several cards that have gone for less than $200. Still high, but they always had a higher price tag and the occasional "Holy Cow!" sell price even three years ago. Sure they've gone up on average, but even AFTER that one buyer has been paying outrageous prices there have been other units that sold for half or less.
A quick search of sold listings on ebay will show what I mean.
I have 4 working drives (a couple others that need some TLC) and at least half a dozen working LIRON cards myself and have been tempted to list at least a couple and see how high they go, just haven't gotten around to it. Start the cards at $75 and the drives at $150 and let the dice roll. Maybe after this weekend.
Not all Apple stuff, but all I have to say is WOW!
Look at this uninformed person's collection.
Holy smokes!!!
That's Ativ.
He overprices everything.
That's the understatement of the century!
I'm continually amazed by the wide variety of software that will run on the 64K II Plus. Even titles from the mid- to late-1980s. The big downside with these two machines is that they're highly unreliable compared to the IIe and later machines. If you want a machine that you'll have to fix from time to time, get a II or II Plus.
If you want instead a reliable machine, get a platinum IIe or a IIgs.
Looks quite like a stuck keyboard that adds up 1000 Bucks to every single item
or a special kind of math brain ( does not recognise numbers below 1000 ) ??? LOL
What happens if the guy wants to buy a coke ? Does he then offer 1003 Bucks ?
at least a candidate for this years "outer space XMAS rush"
I thought you guys might like this one a printhead for an ImageWriter II printer:
you can get whole working printers for 30 or less.
Try this one:
I just can't see spending that much.
Crack rock, $5
That untested, as is card, $1,000
Kind of like the chicken or the egg.
There must be some mistake!
Either that or I am one lucky guy this Christmas.
I just picked up an AE 2 Meg Daughter Card for the awesome price of
I must be dreaming. LOL
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all.
Congratulations on the card.
That was from James Littlejohn's collection. He had about six items for sale and I don't know what it was, but all of them went for much lower than I would have expected. I hope James got what he was expecting from them because he is one heck of a nice guy.
I got a focus Drive card from the same batch for $82.00 with a partitioned 128MB CF Card. A Ramworks III VGA adapter went for $133.50, an Apple IIc Z-RAM went for $112.00, an AE RAM Charger went for $30.00, and lastly an AE Datalink 2400 modem with box went for a meager $1.25 (Yes that's a buck and a quarter).
Like I said, I hope James got what he was looking for on these items, they were all good deals for the folks that got them.
Jay and All,
I placed a bid of $74.00 and never expected to win it.
I figured that after I bid, someone would bid over me
and the Final to be about $120.00 or so.
Yes, I hope James got everything he wanted for his items
and for Christmas.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
In my opinion, running auctions at Christmas time is usually not a good idea. People are usually worried about buying gifts for others, not themselves. For those that don't have the extra money / time for both, not as many bidders are left to fight over such items.
$600 for a memorial Steve Jobs Umbrella!! (Not kidding)
Unused!! (grin)
Maybe it was raining the day he was interred. :mac:
I don't even know what to say about his one, 2 surface mount caps are missing and the description says "when the card is turned on cold the RGB output flickers takes 30 seconds or so to stabilize and is fine after that" and he has a no return policy and he's trying to sell it for $590 bidding and $890 BIN, when I paid $355 for a much better condition one about a year and a half ago
The mug shots:

and what its supposed to look like:
C1 and C8 are missing and corroded.
Hate to say it, but there appears to be additional water or corrosion damage elsewhere. Professional PCB repair can fix this.
What is this guy on?!? This is crazy $2,000 for 21 games!
That seller is kinda wierd. They'll try a package deal first, then when it sits there for a couple of months, break it into 1 auction per game.
Some of the older titles will indeed sell for $400 or so. But I don't think these are all that rare. These types of sellers cater to the rich completionist collector - or any flunky that wants to spend indiscriminately.
If enough sellers have high-cost auctions going, eventually the market will accept. Might not fool the old timers, but the newcomers making 6 and 7 figures won't care (or know) one iota.
This takky is up again... $7500
Good evening all,
Just checking in with some updates.
- I'm still on chemo. Had to take a break du to Heart problems.
- They say have a blood cloy in my right lung
I'm going to try to get back up here on a regular basis as I get better.
Steven (gsmcten)
Good to see you back. It's been quiet without ya.
Hope you're doing better. Stay vigilant and keep up your spirit.
Glad to see you back around.
Keep up the good fight!
let me blow the dust off this topic...
4 of these sold.... 4!
An Apple iic trying to sell for too much
An Apple iie again trying to sell for too much
Even NIB I don't think its worth this much
A $300 green screen!
And the last one for today.... A $200 imagewriter 1!