Macintosh Plus system floppy

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Macintosh Plus system floppy

Hello there !

I am cumfortable with old electronics, os65, cpm, msdos, windows and linux but not at all with macos !

I own a Macintosh Plus (refurb in progress) and a working SE/30 with floppy, internal hdd, external hd and external cdrom reader...

The Plus was salvaged from the recycling center and the SE/30 came from the attic of my uncle.

I want made a full set of system disks (800k floppies ?) for the Macintosh Plus.

The questions :

- Any link describing the process to do that from the internet to 800 k real floppies ?

- What image(s) should I use ? How many floppies was delivered with a new Macintosh Plus ?

I read version 6 is the best.

If I want a french version of this os should I download a precise image or are all the langages embeded in one image. My Macintosh Plus keyborad is azerty...

Thanks for the advices.






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You are "cumfortable"?  If

You are "cumfortable"?



If you dont have another working older mac to make floppies I dont see any real easy method for you other than asking someone here to make them or buying them on eBay or another site.

I would recommend 6.0.8 for your Plus. 


French version.. See now you are just asking for the world.  I suppose I would reach out to a French Apple Group for that one.

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Maybe someone in Quebec or

Maybe someone in Quebec or even more remote of a possibility New Orleans might have a French version?



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eBay set of 4 System 6.08 on 800K floppies

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Hey Michael. Maybe next time

Hey Michael. Maybe next time just address any thoughts or concerns you have for my post right here in the thread. We are all adults here.. I hope.

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Social Media

I grew up in a generation where the only social media was ham radio.

Irrespective of adulthood or not, I have learned that not every one of my grand pronouncements needs to be shared publicly.

Some thoughts are best addressed privately.

PS: Philipe confirmed for me that English is not his first language.

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Social media is a misnomer.

Social media is a misnomer. There is nothing social about it. I dont use it nor do I have a need for it. When I grew up people still talked to each other face to face... They were "social".



Phillipe hasnt messaged back. Cant he just purchase those 6.0.8 floppies and change the language durring or after the install?

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This board IS social media...

I purchased the 2 floppy set of  1.4 MB floppies from the same vendor after I purchased my recapped Mac SE/30, as well as some other Apple system floppies, from the same vendor, so I can vouch for him!

I do not recall if there is a language choice on System 6; I believe they come with only one language

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Getting disk images and making floppies

The SE/30 has a 1.44MB SuperDrive, so it can read and write floppies created on newer Macs or PCs, and it can also read and write older 400K or 800K floppies needed for older Macs like the Plus. You can download the 800K System 6 floppy disk images on a modern computer, copy the disk images onto 1.44MB floppy disks, get them over to the SE/30's hard drive, and from there use Disk Copy to write those disk images to 800K floppy disks that you can use on the Plus. Or since you have a CD-ROM drive on the SE/30, you could burn a CD-R of the installer images on a modern computer and read it on the SE/30.

Apple makes older OS software available for download on their web site. Unfortunately they no longer serve the directory indexes which makes it difficult to find the files unless you remember where they are. Fortunately others, including Apple Fritter, have mirrored the content and do serve directory indexes:

The 800K System 6 installer floppy images for North American English are here:

Make sure to get the four images whose names start with "SSW_6.0.8-800k" if you want to make 800K floppies.

Since you have both an internal and external hard drive for the SE/30, consider using the external on the Plus instead, since it probably doesn't have an internal one. (Apple didn't offer them with internal hard drives, though there were aftermarket solutions.) Then you don't even need to make 800K floppies: you can use the 1.44MB versions instead and you can use the SE/30 to install a Plus-compatible OS onto the external HD, then shut down both computers, attach the external HD to the Plus, turn it on, turn the Plus on, and it should boot from it. Since you've got multiple SCSI devices, make sure you've got your SCSI termination correct.

Unlike modern macOS where all localizations are included, each localization of Classic Mac OS is a separate complete set of installation disks. If you want to run classic Mac OS in French, then you need the French system installer disks. Unfortunately, System 7.0.1 seems to be the oldest one available in French on the above site.

If you wanted Canadian French:

Or Swiss French:

If you install System 7.0.1, make sure to install the System 7 Tuner afterward to avoid the disappearing folder bug.

If your Plus has 4MB RAM, then System 7 will work but will be slower than System 6. If you have less than 4MB RAM, you probably don't want to try running System 7; you won't have much RAM left to run any programs.

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French System 6

If you trust the integrity of OS installers posted on other web sites, here are two sources for a large collection of international System 6 installers on a burnable CD disk image:

It says it contains three French versions of System 6.0.5 (Canadian, France, Swiss). It also says you don't need a newer System 6 than 6.0.5 on a Plus.

You will still need Disk Copy on the SE/30 to access the floppy disk images. If you don't already have Disk Copy on the SE/30, you'll have get that too and somehow get it over to the SE/30 and decode it properly.



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Macintosh Plus system floppy

Hello there,

After several months doing other things (two diy 6809 Flex related computer) I come back with my Macintosh questions...

As already say I have two :

- a SE/30 which is now working well under 7.1 FR system (installed on the internal hd)

- a Plus under investigation... but I hope I can restart it soon.

Macintosh world is not easy for me because I just start to work with this kind of systems.

At this moment I have only 7.1 system to the SE/30. I have not added anything else. As far as I know the SE/30 can work with 800 k floppy.

How can I write with the SE/30 800k floppy for booting the Plus ?

For example this : with 4 x 800k system 6.0.8 floppy img files ?

Thanks for the help.


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System 6

So you never acquired System 6?

Are you in France?

FYI: I used to boot a Mac Plus with a disk that then allowed me to network to another Mac with a hard disk.

I would then run the applications and save the data files to the networked Mac with the hard disk.

It was not fast, but it worked and in those days hard drives were very expensive!

You could also do this with your Mac Plus networked to your Mac SE/30, using Farallon PhoneNet connects and some telephone wire between them.

System 7.1 on your Mac SE/30 allows for File Sharing and I believe that a System 6 boot floppy on your Mac Plus could then connect and share files with the SE/30.

Read Paragraph #4: Appletalk here and read here for more about File Sharing

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Macintosh Plus system floppy

Yes in France.

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What do you hope to

What do you hope to accomplish with your Mac Plus?

Can you get System 6 disk images to your SE/30 and then create 800K floppies?

Will you network them together?

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Yes I will move these image

Yes I will move these images to the SE/30 with 1.44 M floppy then with Disk Copy write 800 k floppy.

How should I install Disk Copy to the SE/30 (it is a .bin file) ?



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Do you have MacBinary II on your SE/30?

It should work with .bin files. 

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I have nothing but the 7.1

I have nothing but the 7.1 system on the SE/30.

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Macintosh Plus system floppy


I have now a working SE/30 with 7.1 os. This Mac has a working superdrive (can format both 1440 and 720 ko floppies).

I have also find 6.0.8 800k floppy images I want use for booting a Macintosh Plus.

I should use Disk Copy to open the images and write them onto a floppy. The problem is that I get an error "end of file" (error 39) when I try to open these images.

In fact it seems that all the images I try to open with Disk Copy have the same problem... So I think I do something wrong.

The floppy images has been put on a hard drive image with Basilisk then this image is used as a scsi disk with a Bluescsi interface.

What soft should I use and can I get a step by step procedure to do that ?





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6.0.8 800K floppy images

Are you using 800K floppies?  They are distinguished by having no rectangular opening in the upper left of the floppy disk, as opposed to 1.4 HD floppies, which have a rectangular opening in the upper left.

In the IBM/PC world there were denominated as 720K floppy diskettes, but they could be reformatted by a legacy Mac to 800K.

What version of Disk Copy are you using?

Where did you find the 6.0.8 images to download, so that maybe I can try to duplicate your error?

What do you mean by your question: "which soft should I use?"

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Macintosh Plus system floppy

The error come before any writing attempt to the floppy. Yes I have the right floppy disk (720 ko into pc world). In can format it with 800ko capacity.

The image are these :

The error come from Disk Copy... Is that the good software for doing that ?


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Wawavoun wrote:

The error come from Disk Copy... Is that the good software for doing that ?


Real DiskCopy 4.2 images have an 84 byte header, and DiskCopy requires that header.

However, many "disk images" on the internet are missing the header and DiskCopy will not read them.

You might have more luck using DiskDup+

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use these 6.0.8 images instead


I was unable to get your winworld images to work on my Mac SE/30 running either System 6.0.8 or 7.5.3 with either DiskCopy 4.2, DiskCopy 6.3.3 or robespierre's suggested DiskDup+ v2.5.

Trash your image files and go here instead:


Go to and download the 2nd archive: System-6-x.sit and unstuff it.

Of the different versions of System 6 offered to you in the unstuffed folders, you want to use the 4 Image files in the System 6.0.8 folder.

These Image files will work with DiskCopy 4.2 to create your 4 needed 800K floppy disks on your Mac SE/30.

NOTE: I continue to use MacPaw's The Unarchiver on my High Sierra Mac, and as MacPaw is based in Ukraine, they offer a link to provide financial support to various groups aiding in either the humanitarian effort or the Ukrainian military defenses in the unprovoked war against Ukraine by Russia!

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Files back and forth on my Mac SE/30

I use a similar methodology as you to get files to my Mac SE/30:

I load a micro-SD card into its SD adapter and read it on my High Sierrs Mac Mini

I load an image file for my 224MB hard disk into the SheepShaver emulator and move files back and forth. I then return the micro-SD card to my Big Mess O'Wires Floppy EMU and I can boot my SE/30 in System 6.0.8 from its internal 40 MB hard drive or using System Picker, I can boot 7.5.3 from the Floppy EMU's 224 MB hard drive image. 

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System 6.0.8 efficiency

In case I get distracted later, here is how I set up my Mac SE/30 for maximum efficiency in System 6.0.8:

I have 32-bit clean ROMs installed; the best one available is Big Mess O'Wires Rom-inator II, but for System 6 I set my SE/30 to 24-bit mode, so that I can use MultiFinder, which is not 32-bit clean.

MultiFinder is set as the Startup Application, and allows for more than one program to be running at a time so, you can switch from one to the other and even copy and paste data over; and background printing. In System 7, the default situation is a multifinder-like situation with the ability to run more than one application at a time, limited only by RAM installed.

My Mac SE/30 has 68 MB RAM installed, and the following in the System Folder: 14,336 MB available with an additional 16,384 MB RAM disk.

Maxima v2.0.3 memory enhancement and management and a RAM disk

After Dark v2.0v Screen Saver; protects the screen from "burn-in" with fun screens like fish tanks and space scenes.

Optima 32 v2.0 additional memory enhancement

Stepping Out II creates a virtual screen in RAM memory and the mouse moves the small SE/30 screen around inside the larger virtual screen.  Certain applications require 640x480 and this extension allows those applications to run on the 512x384 SE/30 screen.

SuperClock v4.04

TrueType 1.0 This allows the more prevelant and in its time, cheeaper Microsoft TrueType fonts to be installed and rasterized instead of Adobe Postscript fonts (Use AdobeTypeManager if you must use Adobe fonts)

With these all installed, even in 24-bit mode the 8MB RAM ceiling is exceeded; as noted above.

So for example, I can run both Microsoft Word 5.1a and Excel 4.0 and still have 7,562 MB RAM available for more applications to run or background printing.

I found all of these from the various online Macintosh download library sources.

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Macintosh Plus system floppy


Thanks Michael for all these explanations !

I will keep it for my next progress into mac world. But first of all I am focused on restarting this Macintosh Plus.

Can you explain a little bit more how to switch a SE/30 from 32 to 24 bits ? I have think its only hardware question so no way to change it.


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Can you explain a little bit

Can you explain a little bit more how to switch a SE/30 from 32 to 24 bits ? I have think its only hardware question so no way to change it.

You can switch by selecting one or the other from the Memory control panel (in System 7) and restarting. When the 24-bit memory map is in use (as it always is in System 6), only 8 megabytes of RAM is available. The SE/30 factory ROM SIMM is one of the ROMs that are "not 32-bit clean", meaning that they don't support 32-bit addressing. You can make 32-bit mode available on a SE/30 by either 1. installing a ROM SIMM that is 32-bit clean from a IIfx, 2. using a ROM SIMM replacement like the bmow Rominator, or 3. installing the MODE32 extension.

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32 bit in System 6

Installing Maxima and Optima, with a 32 -bit clean ROM such as the ROM-inator II, allows me to use 32 bit mode in System 6.

However, as I mentioned before, MultiFinder is not 32 bit clean, so I always run System 6 in 24 bit mode, with MultiFinder set as the Startup application; and Maxima/Optima gives me over 14MB of usable RAM memory and an additional RAM disk.

Once you get your Mac Plus running to your satisfaction, you will discover that so many wonderful applications (that I could not afford in the late 1980s - early 1990s) are available to download and run, but will require your Mac SE/30.

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Macintosh Plus boot error

Hello there !

Finally I got my scrap rescued Macintosh Plus alive !

The system start, make 'bong' and then display a floppy with a cross or a question mark if I put something in the drive...

From the SE/30 I succesfully make a 800 k 6.0.8 boot floppy. I say "successfully" because the SE/30 can boot without error with this floppy.

Putting this floppy into the Plus and he smile and start to boot... then floppy read, head moves etc... I can see the welcome message.

But at some point I get an "illegal instruction" or,  less frequently, a "illegal address" error... Then I have to restart the computer.

I have two way to search : bad "reading" from the floppy drive or something wrong into the processor board.

Because the boot start well my opinion is for the second option...

There is another strange thing. Trying to boot from a scsi drive (made with the SE/30) the speaker of the Plus make strange noises (long krrrrr) and the display become crazy...

Any advice will be helpfull.







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