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I don't get it either. I usually sell them for $100 max.
A seller is asking $130 obo for a super serial card lol. All these unsold $500+ Apple //e's are getting old... How many times will they relist them before realizing it's overpriced?!
If $500.00 is too expensive for an Apple //e then what's a good price for one?
The only thing I can think of with the Liron guy is he is either very stupid and building up some systems. The other possibility is he's cornering the market. Buying everything in sight. And perhaps hoping to become the sole seller of these in the future. A long-term flipper.
Either way, buy/sell enough of them and they show up in ebay's "completed/sold" search results enough times that people now believe it's the genuine going price.
I've seen that happen with classic videogame cartridges and consoles.
As far as a fair price on standard IIe or platinum IIe, 125 or 100 respectively. Hopefully that begins going up in the future.
A sup-a-serial card for $130? No. Max is 49.95, and it better be new in box.
Then there's that $400 mouse + card..
Hell, you're talking about Madonna2017.
They have outrageous prices all the time on their items.
I used to tell them so until they blocked me. lol
When I seen that used Super Serial Card for that price I laughed my ass off.
You all know that I go up on eBay every day to look at what is available,
what people are asking, and what people are getting.
I am finding that sellers do not research what is for auction, or
what comparable units have sold for, before they place an asking price on
their items.
To me, this is ignorance of the market.
They just don't know what something is actually worth before they try to sell it.
I don't think I'm wrong.
Apple II Plus:
Apple IIe:
Apple IIc:
(I still do not understand how people can think that IIc units are worth that much.)
Good Evening All,
I have been a "Fritter Critter" for a long time and
consider all of you as family.
That being said; I wanted to let you know that I was
at the Doctors Office on Wednesday and have been
diagnosed with Lung Cancer in the Lower Left Lobe.
It is treatable and I should start treatment soon.
As you can imagine, I have accumulated a whole bunch
of Apple II items. I am going to start an inventory of what I have
and in the near future will offer some items that are rarely seen
up for sale.
When I say "Rarely Seen" I mean things like a full Applied Engineering Trans-Drive with all the fixin's. lol
Steven Smile
Sorry to hear about the cancer, wish you all the best in the treatment.
I am some what new to this board / thread. I have actively been buying the items I am after, but I have notice that the prices of somewhat common items (mouse, Atari games on floppy etc) people are now asking crazy prices for the items and seem to actually be getting it in a lot of cases.
Example I am actively seeking Ultima and Wizardry games and the asking prices on those games are absolutely insane, people love to call them rare, they are not rare they were some of the best selling games of all times on the Apple platform (as well as other platforms). Its interesting to watch the asking and perceived value of these items go up.
Time to get real they made almost 7 million Apple IIs (including all the generations) and millions upon millions of games and mice! So what is going on why the terrible inflated prices?
Sorry to hear that Steven. Good luck with the sales!
Sorry to hear the bad news Steven,
Take care of it ASAP, be "on it" and don't let up. Lung cancer is not something you can delay treating.
Hobbies like this can wait.
Strange thing when I woke up this morning I was thinking about what I would have to deal with if I found
out I was seriously sick. Sounds like you're already thinking along those lines.
If you're a smoker, I hope that is long behind you. I hope the best for you and that you beat it.
First your Mom and now this? Please take care and remember, Apple II's may be forever but we're not!
Best of luck on your treatment.
Thanks everyone.
Hey Jeff; I still haven't given up on the CDrive. LOL
"Never Give Up. Never Surrender." (Galaxy Quest
Sorry to hear that and I'll be praying for you to beat it.
Wow let us all hope for the best and that it's localized in one spot.
Do all the treatment and ask for more. Hit it with a 1-2 punch.
Hi Steven,
I echo other people's sentiments here and wish you all the best for your treatment.
Nail that sucker and get back to full health soon!
Thanks Everybody.
Thought you guys might like these two:
Same seller, I am guessing he is hitting the crack pipe a little to hard.
Not necessarily. Some of these games will actually trade for that amount or more.
Personally, for me, though, I wouldn't spend that much money on vintage software.
I like the "Semi-Sealed" part.
It's like the old George Carlin routine
about "Semi-Boneless Ham". lol
Is it a bone, or not?
Is there such a thing as a Semi-Bone?
Oh! and Wiz-Print?
I got mine for $35.00
a couple of years back.
Now Here is a really interesting item:
I could not believe my eyes when I saw the Expansion Chassis.
A couple more Apple II's:
AND An Albert:
Lots of things coming out of the woodwork. lol
Sorry to hear the news! Get well soon!
And the High Bid is:
(The Envelope Please)
I talked to the Seller about the MEC
and he sent me a picture.
Like mine, it has no Serial Number on the Main Board.
d***a is at it again! I had this in my watch list and was going to bid on it. NOT ANYMORE!
edit] What is he trying to do besides wasting money........ found this while trying to see what the going rate is.
edit2] and another.....
edit3] and another....
just for fun i'm going to tabulate what he has bought so far that we know of,
$416.00 liron
$400.00 liron
$909.89 cffa 3000
$400.00 liron
$510.00 nos unidisk 3.5
$400.00 liron
$427.22 unidisk 3.5
$3103.11 just on disk drives and cards
I don't even know.
The consensus is that either he's completely out of his mind or he is trying to drive up the price for these things. The latter is probably the reason because if you examine the bidding history you will notice that this objective is certainly working.
In such a niche category, like disk drives for a 30-year old computer, it isn't that hard to do.
Well I found this there is a couple things wrong with it, power supply, keyboard and some of the ram, but other than that I don't see anything. Do you?
It looks like there is more right about this computer than wrong with it....
The Case itself, though dirty and mildly damaged, looks to be in restorable shape. Likely worth a grand by itself.
The motherboard looks to be the original motherboard to the computer as shown.
The power supply & Keyboard, well, another story but that computer should net a nice figure to a collector that has
the parts to restore it to it's original condition.
I think a key here will be:
"The Personal Property Auction of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds - Day 1"
Whats strange to me is that if you google that serial number, you will see it was sold 6 years ago on another online auction for $4500.00 (plus a 30% buyers fee)...
The keyboard is wrong, but it also looks like its not "level" as the right hand side keys appear (to me) to be higher than the left hand side keys. (Am I seeing things??)
The left rear side of the case has 2 cracks which are only visible in one of the photos.
Also bear in mind that they charge a "buyers premium" of (I believe) 28% on top of the sale price.
Best of luck to anyone bidding, its out of my price range.
The $7000.00 IIe:
You just have to love it! LOL
I do love it! 7 grand for $400 worth of hardware. Maybe we should send messages stroking their egos and make the prices even higher!
Meanwhile that $35,000 //e still sits there. He must be listing it for our entertainment or something.
The way the description is worded tends to make me think I'd be paying for provenance - should I be stupid enough to buy it. And I don't think that seller's ego can be made any bigger? Can it?
Maybe we should send the Item Number of the $35k IIe to the seller of the $7k IIe.
And vise-versa.
Each should get a kick out of the other. LOL

unfortunatly there is no medical remedy for the combination
of stupidness and greed.
“There is no patch for human stupidity”
Well, I was afraid I might end up in this forum with this item I just posted on eBay yesterday.
At this point, I have one bid and three watchers.
Maybe I didn't start the bids high enough for this? I put an initial bid of $1099.00 on it thinking I would have to list a few times before anyone would bid.
Anyone want to take guesses on how high it will go? I am shocked!!
Hi Jay!
Well, if you have people bidding on it then your numbers can't be that far from reality - hopefully you'll get several bidders going after it and we'll see just how far up it goes!!
Good point Jennifer.
Good luck on the auction, but you need to read up on the eBay Money Back Guarantee. Your statement of "However, due to the age, I can't accept returns." means zero to eBay. They will pull the funds from your account faster than that CFFA card will boot up.
Well I'd like to see it move for about $1600. Ladies and gents, it is important to remember it's a complete setup, with few extra things needed.
Time = money. And many people don't wanna fart around gathering parts from 10 different sellers. So it's worth it to pay extra. I'm just pleased to see prices on the upswing for this stuff.
And you would be able to get more bidders by offering global shipment program
Thanks all for the good feedback.
I don't think this is worth this much,item.
I hate to be the killjoy in this, but I would place it in the $750.00 to $1000.00 Range.
That $900.00 CFFA 3000 sale was a fluke.
Two more sold right after that one for less than $450.00.
But, this is eBay; anything can (and usually does) happen.
Good Luck!
You are not a killjoy. That's what I was thinking too. Most of the cards in this system were bought in an Apple IIe project that I used as my KansasFest presentation this year and were extras. I am selling this one to fund a purchase of a collection that a local old school apple dealer has stashed in his basement. I went to look at it and there are a bunch of unopened items that look like they came off the shelf yesterday. (No computers unfortunately
) So if this goes for enough, I will make him an offer and post all the finds here.
I know that the $900.00 was just a fluke as well as the $400 LiRon cards. I couldn't believe it!
We will see what happens. I hate to sell anything, but I figured since I have quadruplicates (if that's a word) of everything in this unit, I would try to see what I can get for it.
Look who is buying it!
Ahhhh. They are after the unidesk primarily I bet. Wow that's dedication!
OMG! I didn't even think to check that. That's wild.
Riddle me this, what is so valuable about the UniDisk drives. (Other than they are the only drives that work with the LiRon card, they have their own cpu in it, it's white, ....)
I guess I am not seeing what is making these worth 400.00 each? Am I missing something?
A friend (Hi Zach!) says that the unidisk allows you to pretty much read/write any 3.5" format, including msdos 1.44.
So moving files between a modern system and old system via that mechanism apparently is the awesome sauce.